Caitlyn Jenner spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Texas, over the weekend as part of her campaign to replace Gavin Newsom as the governor of California. The reality show star was greeted with transphobic abuse, including “heckling and deadnaming outside the conference, while anti-trans skits and denouncement of gay people went on inside,” according to LGBTQ Nation. Conservative sh*tposter Tomi Lahren, last heard from referring to flight attendants as “Nazis of the air” for enforcing mask mandates, came to Jenner’s defense on Twitter.
“Hearing how some ‘conservatives’ treated @Caitlyn_Jenner at CPAC makes my blood boil. There’s no room for your hate in the America First movement. We believe in freedom and we believe in limited government. The way she chooses to live her personal life harms you in no way!” she tweeted on Sunday night, adding, “The attacks on @Caitlyn_Jenner are despicable. I’ll go to bat for her every single time and if you want to take my ‘conservative’ card for it, take it and shove it.”
“Your mob is no better than the Left’s and in fact, it’s uglier.”
It’s good that Lahren called out the sickening transphobia that Jenner faced at CPAC. Less good is Lahren’s own history of anti-trans remarks. Back in 2017, GLAAD even put together a list of some of her most hateful comments (there’s been more since).
-Supported President Trump’s ban on transgender Americans serving openly in the U.S. Military: “The military is not a social experiment. Finally a POTUS who understands the concept. Political correctness=intellectual dishonesty!”
-Claimed liberals don’t have an actual argument to support transgender service members; adds that people only support it because it “feels right.”
-Said Trump’s repeal of Obama transgender guidance did nothing more than “return America’s taxpayer funded bathrooms and locker rooms to normal.”
-Went after and deadnamed Chelsea Manning by saying, “trans traitor Chelsea Bradley Manning,” and “him, well, I guess her now.”
Others called out the hypocrisy of Lahren, a frequent Fox News guest who has compared the Black Lives Matter movement to “the new KKK” and falsely described Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) as being “tolerant of Sharia Law,” claiming that conservatives don’t “do” hate. The proud anti-vaxxer tweeting about how someone chooses to live their “personal life” being their choice and their choice only also did not go unnoticed.
Gotta laugh at @TomiLahren pretending to defend Caitlyn Jenner against anti-trans slurs/sentiments.
The anti-trans history of Tomi Lahren, Fox News’ latest hire https://t.co/0rCQMTWkKg via @glaad
— *you’re (@RKJ65) July 12, 2021
Tomi Lahren says there is “no room for hate in the America First movement.”
I’d argue there isn’t room for anything else.
— John Collins
(@JohnCollins_KP) July 12, 2021
Tomi Lahren looking for the conservative people being mean to transgendered people pic.twitter.com/0fRK20C9Vx
— Pfizer Lord Ozai (@WilyRylee) July 12, 2021
“Boris Johnson condemns racist abuse of England players after team’s EURO 2020 defeat” and “Tomi Lahren condemns the treatment of Caitlyn Jenner at the CPAC conference” both have big hot dog guy energy, huh. Don’t you like the house you made? pic.twitter.com/lw96yU9JKS
— Angie Manfredi (@misskubelik) July 12, 2021
Tomi Lahren wants everyone know that there is no room for hate in the conservative, republican movement? pic.twitter.com/eqGaP8fjt7
— Boulder_Tim (@Boulder_Tim) July 12, 2021
Tomi pretending to be shocked at transphobia in the conservative community is the funniest thing pic.twitter.com/kRm7VRE5Xj
— jonny jon jon butter shabadoo (@thejonbutter) July 12, 2021
— Raul Gonzalez (@bumb185) July 12, 2021
This you? https://t.co/U9erltdYrY
— Yepconomist (@yepconomist) July 12, 2021
Tomi Lahren can’t even keep her hatred consistent. pic.twitter.com/eHvVghzKZx
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) July 12, 2021
Me looking at Tomi Lahren support Caitlyn Jenner & Tran lives in shock. Why shock? It may be due the to Constant/blatant disregard to black lives & the negative stereotypes she tries to push. I suppose it does make sense she Supports CJ as racists support each other like no other pic.twitter.com/wImtd7W6hZ
— Karen Huger’s Wig
(@karenhugerswig) July 12, 2021
Wait until you see how they treat black people pic.twitter.com/AiVOkQAqse
— Ryan (@Com_Truz) July 12, 2021
Hello, pot. Kettle calling.
You say you stand for personal autonomy, and freedom to live your life how you choose, yet you hate anyone who doesn’t share your political ideology, and you try to force them to heel.
Seems like the America First movement is the arbiter of hate. https://t.co/84FJOfWgOf
— Jax Persists (@LadyJayPersists) July 12, 2021
BTW, if you think Tomi really cares about the LGBTQ community, you should really do some research first. She’s just posturing. She has a real problem with it, especially Trans.
Here are just a few of the many hateful comments to spewed regarding the Trans community. pic.twitter.com/jKTO5NdJkr
— Jax Persists (@LadyJayPersists) July 12, 2021