The world is about to be buried in an avalanche of books chronicling Donald J. Trump’s final days in office, each one offering their own juicy bits of alleged-but-probable turmoil inside his administration and chaotic campaign. One of them is called I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year — not to be confused with Michael Wolff’s Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency, which produced the story about him reportedly praising Hitler — and among its treasures is a story about his second-oldest son unloading on some poor campaign data analysts for, like, not making numbers be better for his dad.
Don Jr. tends to be the Trump scion prone to epic flame-outs, but, according to the forthcoming book by The Washington Post‘s Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, it was Eric who gave their poor data analysts a piece of his non-math-knowing mind. In an excerpt published by the publication, it’s revealed that Eric had bragged to his friends that his father would nab a whopping 322 electoral votes — exactly 90 shy of what he got.
As the night wore on and all those absentee ballots, which were not to be counted till later anyway, came rolling in, definitively shifting things Joe Biden’s way, he allegedly took out his anger on the math people for not being math magicians.
“The election is being stolen,” the president’s 36-year-old son said. “Where are these votes coming from? How is this legit?”
He yelled at the campaign’s data analysts, as if it were their fault that his father’s early leads over Biden were shrinking. ”We pay you to do this,” he said. “How can this be happening?
Eric has denied the outburst, but which seems to be more his older brother’s bag anyway.
I Alone Can Fix It arrives on July 20, but the excerpt has other goodies as well, including that they actually played “Hail to the Chief” right before Trump’s bizarre (and apparently off-script) televised speech he made after 2 am, in which he publicly lamented the turn the night had taken. The rest, as they say, is history…that somehow still hasn’t ended, over half a year later.
(Via The Post)