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Even Geraldo Rivera Thinks It’s ‘Crazy Talk’ When Republicans Say Not Getting Vaccination Is A ‘Right’

Here are some opinions Geraldo Rivera has voiced since last November: Donald Trump lost re-election. People who say otherwise, like Rudy Giuliani and Charlie Kirk, are fools or worse. Don Bongino is wrong and his beliefs are worth attacking in public. Joe Biden hasn’t been doing a bad job. He has other takes, ones more in line with his Republican stripes; he recently cheered Bill Cosby’s prison release, for one. But he’s been one of the few GOP supporters making sense in this topsy-turvy time.

So here’s another Geraldo hot take (that’s actually just a basic, sensible take): People who say vaccinations are an infringement upon their human rights are also wrong. This one came the day Fox & Friends’ Brian Kilmeade went on a libertarian rant so unhinged that even Steve Doocy had to shut him down, pleading with his viewers to get the shot(s).

“Hearing crazy talk on cable TV right now about folks having the constitutional right not to get vaccinated,” Rivera wrote on Twitter. “Yes (they may be dopey) but they do have that right. We too have rights: to deny the unvaccinated access to our home, school or business.”

Again, the longtime conservative has been making sense a lot these last couple handful of months. And yet people were still blown away by agreeing with Geraldo Rivera.

Some, though, were a little hesitant to praise Rivera simply sounding rational.

In the meantime, the much more contagious Delta variant continues to rip through parts of the nation where vaccination rates are low.