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Rudy Giuliani’s Failed Joe Biden Movie Apparently Sparked An FBI Investigation

Rudy Giuliani’s star turn in the Borat sequel was apparently not the only Hollywood venture he’s had in recent years. Donald Trump’s basically broke former personal attorney and resident conspiracy theorist was reportedly hard at work on a movie about president Joe Biden that drew some unwanted attention.

According to Mother Jones, Giuliani went digging for dirt on the Bidens along with California businessman George Dickson III. They attempted to produce a movie about Joe and Hunter Biden’s alleged dealings in Ukraine, but things didn’t get very far and may have broken the law in the process:

The would-be producers wanted to help Trump. And they also wanted to make money, people involved in the project said, plotting ways to profit off material they had assembled.

The venture produced no movie, only about 15 minutes of notably low-quality footage. And now the FBI is investigating the project, according to two people Dickson told about the probe.

The investigation appears tied to an ongoing federal probe into whether Giuliani violated foreign lobbying laws by working on behalf of a Ukrainian prosecutor.

Mother Jones reported that the FBI searched Dickson’s home, and they’re apparently investigating the film itself as part of a wider probe of Giuliani in general. The full report on Mother Jones really is something, but considering America’s Mayor has already claimed he’s willing to go to jail for crimes he says he didn’t commit, well, none of this can really be much of a surprise anymore, can it?

(Via Mother Jones)