Donald Trump is even more shameless than the band Kiss when it comes to slapping his name on overpriced merchandise, including Trump hats, Trump steaks, Trump board games, Trump ice-cube trays, and the “Women for Trump” bundle. The former-president has found a new hustle to empty the wallets of his biggest fans: Trump Cards.
On Wednesday, the Trump campaign sent two emails “asking supporters to get on board with carrying the red and gold cards, which look like credit cards and bear the former president’s signature,” according to Insider. The first message reads, “The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country. They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I’m putting my full trust in you.” A follow-up email, sent hours later, added, “We’re about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump’s STRONGEST supporters.”
It continued:
“We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs. Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said, ‘These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide – they ALWAYS know best!’”
If you’re wondering, “What does an Official Trump Card do?” that’s an excellent question — one that neither email answers. It’s probably an own-the-libs version of a vaccination card with one major difference: a vaccination card shows others that you’re largely protected from a deadly virus; a Trump card only proves that you got scammed. If a recipient of the email clicked on the image of the cards, they were directed to a donation page, where they’ll be “asked to contribute at least $50 to the political action committee.”
One of the four cards, in particular, is catching people’s eyes.
My Grandfather showed me some stuff he brought back from WWII that looked just like this Third Reich reject Trump Card. pic.twitter.com/E4zq9FsR1u
— Joshua Gale (@joshuagale75) August 5, 2021
Did Nazi this coming
Trump Cards#TrumpCards #TheLoser #Trump2024 #TrumpCrimeSyndicate https://t.co/Dm0Mi1QDX0 pic.twitter.com/pk3Lv49Se2
— Tomi Ahonen Carries The Moron Level Trump Card (@tomiahonen) August 5, 2021
The latest twump trinket reserved exclusively for his biggest suckers…I mean, donors. This third reich inspired piece of junk will make you the rave among white supremacists everywhere. “The Trump Card” get yours today. Aaahh, HA, HA, HA, HA. pic.twitter.com/ETAwJ4n4Mk
— E (@E95806402) August 5, 2021
Trump’s new card, which of course he’s selling to his supporters to continue the grift, has a very Nazi like Third Reich feel. Very on brand for Trump. pic.twitter.com/dpsJZek8Zk
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) August 5, 2021
Third Reich is clearly what they’re going for in the new Trump Cards. pic.twitter.com/kzWbA52h9N
— PatriotChimp (Fully Vaxxed) (@chimp_patriot) August 5, 2021
This card just SCREAMS Nazi. pic.twitter.com/rX4jppRiyM
— The Lincoln Watchman
(@LincolnWatchman) August 5, 2021
They now have Trump Cards for full membership in the Turd Reich #ThirdReich pic.twitter.com/lbfGh7kH8y
— Bleeding Heart Liberal Marine (@BleedingMarine) August 5, 2021
Trump cards are Nazi look alikes. https://t.co/jyt5WqLP8N
— Outspoken (@Out5p0ken) August 5, 2021
Also, one of the cards misspells “official.”
One of the Trump cards misspells “Official” as “Offical.”
Sure, they’re Nazis, but they’re not grammar Nazis. pic.twitter.com/XGkTkMVUQf
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) August 5, 2021
As expected, the ridiculous new Nazi Trump cards…. have a typo
Where’s a Sharpie when you need one?! #TRUMPCARD pic.twitter.com/pXjepRC2xp
— Robert of the Holts
(@rhholt) August 5, 2021
That design sporting the glaring typo is so very on brand #TRUMPCARD https://t.co/l6U82OsJHU
— Lance Salyers (@lancesalyers) August 5, 2021
I’ll stick with my Trump bikini, thank you very much.
(Via Insider)