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AOC Had A Tellingly Thoughtful Response To Fox News’ Fixation With Her

During a wide-ranging interview for Dana Bash’s new series, Being, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes opened up about what it’s like to be the constant target of Fox News, and the New York congresswoman had a tellingly academic response. AOC told Bash that she finds the coverage to be “really fascinating” because it speaks “to these very subconscious narratives about women or about people of color or about Latinos or Latinas or working class people.” According to AOC, even though the coverage is very clearly pointed at her, it reflects a “societal” problem instead of a “personal” one.

You can see AOC’s full thoughts on Fox News below:

Despite directly attacking the Fox News issue with a thoughtful response, AOC was a little more of a politician when it came to the question of whether or not she’s going to challenge Senator Chuck Schumer in a primary race. Via Mediaite:

The congresswoman acknowledged that she knows it “drives everybody nuts” that she has avoided talking about her plans, “but the way that I really feel about this, and the way that I really approach my politics and my political career, is that I do not look at things and I do not set my course positionally. And I know there’s a lot of people who do not believe that. But I really, I can’t operate the way that I operate and do the things that I do in politics while trying to be aspiring to other things or calculating to other things.”

AOC wrapped up her response by saying, “I’m not commenting on that,” but with a laugh because, to her credit, she’s very aware that sounds like a boilerplate non-denial.

(Via The Recount, Mediaite)