On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 23,903 new coronavirus cases in Florida, the highest-single day total in the state since the beginning of the pandemic. A “fifth of all new U.S. infections and current hospitalizations” come from the Sunshine State, the Washington Post reports, but Republican governor Ron DeSantis is doing everything in his power to prevent mask mandates, even for kids returning to school. “We can either have a free society or we can have a biomedical security state and I can tell you, Florida, we’re a free state,” he said last week.
Florida might be a “free state” but it’s a “free state” with nearly 40,000 deaths from COVID led by a “piece of sh*t” governor. That’s according to comedian Bill Burr, who unloaded on DeSantis during Monday’s episode of the Monday Morning Podcast.
“DeSantis, whoever this guy is — and they have the most grumpiest looking photo ever — this guy is starting to build stature in 2024 and he says he disagrees on mask mandates,” Burr said. “The amount of people who not only don’t even own a microscope or even have a pair of scrubs — you know, unless they went to some Halloween party — who are literally questioning doctors… At this point, it’s just hilarious.” The Mandalorian actor continued, “These f*cking piece of sh*t politicians! He knows that that’s what his fanbase wants him to do so that’s what the f*ck he’s gonna do. Unbelievable.”
Burr previously went after anti-vaxxers for being “full of sh*t… I’ll tell you right now, if they came out with a shot that gave you a flat stomach and abs, all of these same people that ‘you ain’t f*ckin’ with my freedom,’ they’d be right down there getting that f*cking thing.” You can listen to the Monday Morning Podcast episode below.
(Via Mediaite)