Rand Paul’s anti-COVID-vaccine stance reached new heights this week when he was suspended from YouTube for spreading dangerous misinformation. That hasn’t stop him from issuing deranged rants about freedom and resisting mask mandates, to which one of his hometown papers posed this question: “Is Sen. Rand Paul okay?” He’s continued this crusade even after Dr. Fauci repeatedly schooled him, and all of this looked mighty interesting after his (very belated) revelation that his wife bought stock in a company that manufactured the COVID-treatment drug Remdesivir.
The late reporting (16 months after the fact) wasn’t a good look, given that it didn’t meet the requirements of the Stock Act (a 45-day deadline), and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez is now speaking out. However and in true AOC fashion, she’s roasting him without even having to mention his name. It’s some AOC shade to read with your morning coffee.
“It is absolutely wild that members of Congress are still allowed to buy and sell individual stock,” AOC tweeted. “It shouldn’t be legal.” She went on to declare that it’s a “very uphill battle to pass” legislation (which has been introduced) against the practice. And AOC added, “This shouldn’t even be controversial though!”
It is absolutely wild that members of Congress are still allowed to buy and sell individual stock. It shouldn’t be legal.
We’ve introduced legislation to end the practice, but as one can imagine it’s a very uphill battle to pass.
This shouldn’t even be controversial though! https://t.co/lgtcASwCFz
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 12, 2021
Yes, of course the battle will be uphill because (news flash) many congresspeople love juicing their wallets, and it’s still technically legal for them to do so in the stock market. Elizabeth Warren has been attempting for years to have the practice outlawed (after GOP members David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were outed for stock purchases that may have been influenced by their knowledge of “sensitive information”). Yet it’s difficult to push the very members of Congress who benefit from such practices to vote against them, so yep, it’s a total “uphill battle” here, although that’s AOC’s specialty.