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Tucker Carlson Wasted No Time In Stoking Fear Over America Being ‘Invaded’ By Afghan Refugees: ‘Probably In Your Neighborhood’

If there’s one thing Tucker Carlson is good at, it’s being one of the world’s most loathsome humans. If there are two things he’s good at (and that’s a stretch), it’s stirring up fear and anxiety where none need exist. Case in point: As Daily Beast notes, on Monday night’s show, Fox News’s resident fearmonger no doubt scared the sh*t out of lots of viewers when he warned them that while Afghanistan might be more than 11,000 miles and an enormous ocean away, the violent Taliban takeover happening there right now will affect them—Tucker’s corncob viewers—in deeply personal ways.

In true Tucker (a.k.a. Trucker) style, the scariest situation he could come up with to petrify his audience had nothing to do with the American troops being sent overseas to help quell the situation. Nope, Tucker’s biggest fear is that an Afghan refugee could soon be living in your neighborhood—or his! Oh, the horror!

Unsurprisingly, Carlson has never made any secret of his stance on immigration (he’s against it). In fact, Carlson is so painfully Xenophobic that even Geraldo Rivera once called him out on it! But Tucker and facts—or even reason—are a toxic combination, so he shared his own version of a history lesson on why we should all be worried:

“[I]f history is any guide—and it’s always a guide—we will see many refugees from Afghanistan resettle in our country in coming months, probably in your neighborhood. And over the next decade, that number may swell to the millions. So first we invade, and then we’re invaded. It is always the same.”

So what current pressing matter does Carlson think would be a better use of the government’s time than attempting to step in to help a country that is under siege from a group the UN-designated a terrorist organization more than 20 years ago? “Fentanyl ODs.”

(Via Daily Beast)