Matt Gaetz, the Republican congressman who is under investigation by the FBI for alleged sex trafficking, got married in California over the weekend.
“Gaetz and Ginger Luckey eloped Saturday, with the politician sharing a series of tweets and photos celebrating the occasion,” the New York Daily News reports, including one that reads, “On one of my amazing Wife’s final days as a fiancé, she was right there with me campaigning in Iowa. It is pure joy to walk through life with @LuckeyGinger.”
In another, Gaetz wrote, [extremely Borat voice] “I love my wife!”
I love my wife! pic.twitter.com/bQ59V7BDsy
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) August 22, 2021
If the name “Ginger Luckey” sounds familiar, that’s probably because you know her sister, Roxanne Luckey, who called Gaetz “weird and creepy” and “a literal pedophile” on TikTok. “I saw the character and type of person he is, and when everything came out about him, I honestly, unfortunately, was not surprised,” the former-White House intern said, adding, “As someone who has personally experienced a ton of creepy old politician men hitting on me when I was underage, and experiencing sexual assault at that age by people of power, it’s very disheartening and I have zero tolerance of people like [Gaetz].”
About 40 people attended the ceremony (Roxanne was likely not one of them), which had an official hashtag of #GaetzGetsLuckey. Twitter users had a better suggestion.
It would be a shame if Twitter unloaded all of its Matt Gaetz memes using their #GaetzGetsLuckey wedding hashtag.
— Kate
(@ImSpeaking13) August 22, 2021
Imagine waiting your whole life to use the husband’s last name gets luckey hashtag to have it ruined on Twitter.
Zero fucks given by me.#GaetzGetsLuckey #GaetzIndictment #LuckeyGetsNestor pic.twitter.com/3n4ioR5JGr
— L. P. (@TheLiberalPoet) August 22, 2021
#GaetzGetsLuckey, but he imagines this.
— L. P. (@TheLiberalPoet) August 22, 2021
#GaetzGetsLuckey he found someone willing to marry him despite his sex trafficking investigation
— Juliet
(@saving_romeo) August 22, 2021
If you ever think your life is rough, just remember that @LuckeyGinger married Matt Gaetz. #GaetzGetsLuckey
— The Mar-waaah-Lago Gazette (parody) (@matt_badgerman) August 22, 2021
Does Venmo offer gift cards? I want to send a wedding present! #GaetzGetsLuckey #GaetzIsAPedo https://t.co/chWShhPJQj
— Just Jenni (she/her) (@Cali_Girl_76) August 22, 2021
If #GaetzGetsLuckey he‘ll get one hour of outdoor time in the prison yard each week.
— Not very complicated (@very_actually) August 22, 2021
I think Ginger spelled #GaetzGetsSpousalPriviledge or #GaetzGetsSpousalImmunity wrong in her #GaetzGetsLuckey
hashtag pic.twitter.com/V15IhTk1to
— Cat – Vaccines Save Lives! (@racergirl1313) August 22, 2021
There was a competing hashtag, too:
Is #UnluckeyGinger trending yet? Let’s make it so pic.twitter.com/SYWPHY1ymd
— Tara Dublin (@taradublinrocks) August 22, 2021
— Betty Buckley (@BettyBuckley) August 22, 2021
Hey, #UnluckeyGinger, did you marry him now so that you didn’t have to be a prison bride?
— BeloitBadger
BuildBackBetter (@MomWithAnS) August 23, 2021
(Via the New York Daily News)