If your name ever appears in the same headline as Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell, something has gone terribly wrong. Sidney Powell, the “wacko Trump lawyer” who’s on an exhausting, baseless crusade to overturn the 2020 presidential election (even though she admitted in court that “no reasonable person would conclude” those “were truly statements of fact”), attempted to get a billion-dollar defamation lawsuit filed against her by Dominion Voting Systems thrown out — but a judge ruled that it could move forward. Powell also recently appeared on the Australian Broadcast Company’s two-part series, “Fox and the Big Lie,” where she was asked about the Big Lie.
“What you’re describing is a massive, countrywide fraud involving the FBI, the DOJ, the Department of Homeland Security, the organizations who certify elections, and on and on, all the way up to the attorney general. And thousand of local elections officials. Are you saying that thousands of Americans participated in a fraud?” reporter Sarah Fergusen asked Powell. She replied, “I’m saying that thousands of Americans had some role in it, knowingly or unknowingly. It was essentially a bloodless coup where they took over the presidency of the United States without a single shot being fired.”
“Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?” Ferguson asked as a follow-up. “No, I know myself very well, I’ve been in me a long time. I know my reputation, I know my level of integrity,” Powell responded. Even the lawyer’s dog was done with her.
Reporter: “Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?”
Sidney Powell: “Uhhh … no.”pic.twitter.com/BkzDwlyn7f
— Bill Grueskin (@BGrueskin) August 31, 2021
This moment came after Powell threatened to end the interview:
At one point during the interview, Powell responded to a line of questioning by asking Ferguson if she works for Smartmatic and stated that she was confused about why Ferguson came to interview her in Highland Park, Texas. “Because you’ve made a series of very strong allegations against Smartmatic and against Dominion containing many errors of fact,” Ferguson responded.
Shortly after, Powell attempted to stop the interview, saying it was “wholly inappropriate” because of pending litigation.
Wow — ABC News in Australia eviscerated Trump Kraken lawyer Sidney Powell so harshly in a Four Corners interview she walked: “You said Smartmatic owns Dominion. How do you justify such a basic factual error?”
— Hugo Lowell (@hugolowell) August 31, 2021
Australian Journalist Sarah Ferguson causes Krakendoodle Sidney Powell to walk off the set after being totally destroyed by truth. Going to watch this a few times.
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) August 31, 2021
Amazing. This makes me think that Sidney Powell is going for insanity defense. https://t.co/NQzwFxXDii
— Jill Wine-Banks (@JillWineBanks) August 31, 2021
No American journalist would ask Sidney Powell: “Do you ever hear yourself and think it sounds ridiculous?” Yet it’s a perfectly logical question, and I’m glad this Australian interviewer asked it. https://t.co/74QaPFiUzf
— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) August 31, 2021
Now imagine Sidney Powell sitting like this, but with a Bible under her right hand, and nowhere to run off to. pic.twitter.com/dytlT6KBWc
— Mr. Newberger (@jeremynewberger) August 31, 2021
Sidney Powell’s disaster of an interview proves an important point: these GOP blowhards know that what they’re saying sounds ridiculous, but they know that most American media won’t ask them the tough questions.
— Rex Zane (@rexzane1) August 31, 2021
Sidney Powell couldn’t handle very basic questions in an interview with reporter Sarah Ferguson. Qaren got so upset that she had to walk off set & end the interview after just a couple questions.
Things aren’t going well for her & the rest of the MAGA Q club.
#DemVoice1 pic.twitter.com/S1MM3M2vYo
— The Jewish Ginger Resister (@EricHaftelLive) August 31, 2021
You can watch the “Fox and the Big Lie” special here.
(Via Insider)