It was almost the perfect crime until 24-year-old Chloe Mzorak forgot one small detail: How to spell “Moderna.” The Illinois native was arrested in Hawaii after entering the state with a fake vaccine card, which was flagged after she attempted to duck the state’s mandatory 10-day quarantine by claiming she was vaccinated. One look at her card, which listed her vaccine as “Maderna,” proved that was clearly not the case, but by that point, she was already on the island and ducking authorities. However, Mzorak eventually had to fly home, and that’s when she was snatched up at the airport, according to KHON2 News:
After finding her profile on Facebook, the special agent determined that Mrozak had a distinctive tattoo on her left hip. On Aug. 26, he met with other special agents with the Quarantine Compliance Check (QCC) Team to discuss her case. The team believed she would return home via Southwest Airlines and not American Airlines since majority of the flights are purchased as round-trip tickets to reduce the cost.
“It was a joint effort that we were able to locate her, and found out when she was leaving even though she was evasive about her lodging location.” Special Agent Lau said.
News of Mzorak’s caper quickly reached Twitter and caused “Maderna” to trend as the jokes start pouring in:
Maderna is literally what my Grandma Dorothy called Madonna in the 80s https://t.co/MAJtloLIaG
— Tara Dublin (@taradublinrocks) September 1, 2021
Well… she probably chose Maderna because she knew she couldnʻt spell Fizur
— Josiahboi13 (@TLeftist) September 1, 2021
NO RAGRETS https://t.co/kJdy6xRi55
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 1, 2021
“I told that child to write Maderna and she wrote it just the way I said it.” pic.twitter.com/YtNuCvZSfv
— Jermaine (@JermaineWatkins) September 1, 2021
When you accidentally buy Maderna tickets pic.twitter.com/C73DbguH0l
— itsallrealitv (@itsallrealitv) September 1, 2021
Maderna is the new McLovin https://t.co/PBihLvdugR
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) September 1, 2021
Found a pic of the Maderna idiot’s mom pic.twitter.com/m1Bo2TnZPv
— Brown Gordon Ramsay (@SircarTikku) September 1, 2021
While most Twitter users got a kick out of “Maderna,” others noticed another glaring tidbit about Mzorak’s vaccine card. She claimed to have been vaccinated by the… NRA?
She got her “Maderna” shots at the NRA.
#fail https://t.co/ba2qXYLQJy
— Dena Grayson, MD, PhD (@DrDenaGrayson) September 1, 2021
She got her Maderna vaccine shots at the… NRA? https://t.co/KY6RpgnmCO
— Jim Swift (@JimSwiftDC) September 1, 2021
Dear Chloe, Maderna aside, is there really an NRA clinic or were you thinking the NRA had special shotguns for vaccines?
— Renee Libby
(@ReneeAlida) September 1, 2021
Remember, kids, spelling is your friend.
(Via KHON2 News)