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Noted Animal Rights Crusader Don Jr. Was Torched Over His Sudden Concern For U.S. Military Dogs In Afghanistan

If there’s one thing Donald Trump Jr. is consistent about, it’s being inconsistent. Which is why the human flip-flop’s recent attempted Twitter takedown of Joe Biden has even the fiercest animal advocates (read: me) laughing at the level of inane hypocrisy.

What makes this meme yet another embarrassing misstep for the former president’s equally dumb-as-a-bag-of-hammers son? Well, as Wonkette reports, first there’s the fact that Jr. is gasping like Blanche DuBois over a series of viral images showing dogs in cages at Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai International Airport, which were being falsely shared as photos of military dogs being heartlessly discarded as part of Joe Biden’s order to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. They were not. In an effort to clear up the questions surrounding these images, Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby told Defense One:

“To correct erroneous reports, the U.S. military did not leave any dogs in cages at Hamid Karzai International Airport, to include the reported ‘military working dogs.’ Photos circulating online were animals under the care of the Kabul Small Animal Rescue.”

Kabul Small Animal Rescue is an animal clinic and rescue organization that has been working tirelessly to help evacuate the pets of those people leaving Afghanistan for the past year. And also working hard to set the record straight about the no-context images people are sharing on social media.

But what makes any part of this news-worthy, as it relates to Don Jr., is all the false pearl-clutching he’s doing despite being a proud—and well-documented—slaughterer of wild animals for sport. Donald and his brother Eric made headlines around the world when disturbing photos of them posing proudly with all the animals they killed (or paid someone else to kill so they could pose with) during a trip to Zimbabwe. And if you’ve ever wondered where your tax money goes, One Green Planet wants to make sure you know that in 2019, $77,000 of it went to pay for secret service for the then-president’s adult son to travel to Mongolia in order to murder an argali sheep. Put another way: Nearly $80,000 of Americans’ hard-earned money went to ensuring that no harm came to the president’s forty-something son while he gleefully killed an innocent (and very rare) animal for the ‘gram.

(Via Wonkette)