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Medical Experts Are Hilariously Mocking Joe Rogan’s COVID Treatment Regimen: A ‘Crazy Jumble…Of Folk Remedies’

Joe Rogan is not a doctor, but he sort of plays one on Spotify. While he regularly abuses his position as one of the world’s most popular podcasters to push COVID conspiracy theories and misinformation, he has also admitted to being a “f*cking moron.” So it was probably only a matter of time before Rogan’s carelessness caught up with him. The inevitable comeuppance came on Wednesday, when Rogan announced that he had tested positive for COVID and was being treated with “all kinds of meds Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-Pak, Prednisone, everything. And I also got an NAD drip and a vitamin drip, and I did that three days in a row.”

Ivermectin, of course, is the horse dewormer the FDA is begging people to stop ingesting. But that’s not the only problem medical professionals have with Rogan’s COVID “cure.”

As Mediaite reports, CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner spoke with Don Lemon on Wednesday night and took issue with pretty much everything Rogan is doing, calling his COVID cocktail “a crazy jumble of… folk remedies and internet-prescribed drugs.”

So he says he’s taking ivermectin. It doesn’t work. I wish it worked. It would be great if it worked. You know, it’s an old drug. It’s a cheap drug. It would be fantastic if it worked. It doesn’t work. We know that.

He said he received monoclonal antibodies. It’s really not indicated for him. It’s indicated for people with mild to moderate symptoms at high risk of progression. It doesn’t seem like that’s him.

He said he took steroids – prednisone. That’s only indicated for hospitalized patients on oxygen therapy.

And finally, he said he took azithromycin, an antibiotic, which doesn’t work for a viral illness. We know that. So you know, he’s promoting kind of a crazy jumble of you know, sort of folk remedies and internet-prescribed drugs. It’s, again, dangerous now. He should have more sense after encountering the disease. And again, I hope he does well and gets well quickly. He’s not helping matters when he promotes this sort of nonsense therapeutic mix.

Perhaps most concerning to Dr. Reiner is that Rogan “has the ear of these people. He could be a force for vaccinating in this country, for putting the virus down by simply saying, ‘You know something? I was wrong. This virus is nothing to be played with. If you haven’t been vaccinated, go out and get vaccinated.’’

Of course, that will never happen.

Meanwhile, Raw Story noted that public health scientist Eric Feigl-Ding was using Twitter to ruthlessly shame Rogan for continuing his misinformation campaign while in the throes of the virus. Feigl-Ding wryly noted that Rogan “pushed ivermectin (not proven to work) and for rescheduling his Nashville show, he says ‘obviously nothing that I could control’— ummm, yes you can @joerogan — masked indoors? Maybe telling people to vaccinate more forcefully could help too.”

Feigl-Ding’s best line, however, came when he retweeted a promo for Rogan’s Orlando show, and captioned it: “Catch Joe Rogan” in Orlando… the coronavirus did.”

(Via Mediaite)