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Prince Harry’s Impassioned Speech Against Vaccine Inequality Is Receiving A Lot Of Praise

There’s a lot of hostility towards Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and not just from Piers Morgan. The pair were unfairly targeted long before they relocated to the U.S.; it was one of the reasons they skipped town. But they’ve stayed strong, using their clout to expose inequities amongst the Royal Family, and to generally speak truth to power. One example came Wednesday, when Harry used his pulpit at the British GQ Men of the Year Awards to beg those in power to ensure those in need get vaccinated.

Speaking over video from his American home, Prince Harry pointed out that the vaccines have been pretty successful: over a third of the globe has at least one dose. But, he said, that’s not good enough. Instead, he dwelled on the “huge disparity between who can and cannot access the vaccine.” He pointed out that “less than two percent of the developing world have received a single dose at this point.”

He continued:

“We cannot move forward together unless we address this imbalance as one. At the same time, familelis around thwo rld are being voerhwelemd by mass scale misinformation, across media and social media, where those who peddle in lies and fear are creating vaccine hesitancy, which in turn is dividing communities and eroding trust. This is a system we need to break if we are to overcome COVID-19 and the risk of new variants.”

He added, “Where you’re born should not affect your ability to survive, when the drugs and know-how exist to keep you alive and well.”

There were, of course, a tone of negative reactions to Prince Harry’s words. The hatred towards the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is that strong. But his words did not fall on deaf ears. Many praised Prince Harry for using his pulpit for good.

(Via GMA)