We’re on Day Three of Nicki Minaj-gate, and it’s still taking unpredictable, Mad Libs-y turns. It all started with the annual Met Gala (obviously). The rapper was not in attendance, and as the festivities began, she took to Twitter to explain why: She wasn’t vaccinated. She then claimed that a cousin’s friend had some problems with his testicles, implying that it could have had something to do with him recently being dosed. (Or, you know, maybe he got an STD.) The story was widely mocked, but Tucker Carlson picked it up, and for two nights in a row he solemnly talked about Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s balls.
On Wednesday, Minaj shared a clip from one of Carlson’s shows, which kicked the story up yet another nutty notch. In the portion she shared, the Fox News host ascribed the backlash Minaj is currently facing to religious persecution. He seized upon the part where she said people should “pray on it,” essentially claiming that she was being bullied for being a free-thinker. (He did not posit that the reason people are angry is that she’s spreading vaccine misinformation and doubt as cases are soaring among the unvaccinated.)
On her tweet, Minaj affixed an emoji of an arrow hitting bullseye on a target, all but ensuring that the story would live on for at least another two or three days.
Minaj has gotten a lot of pushback since coming out as a vaccine skeptic at the week’s beginning, and she got yet more after she publicly agreed with a guy who’s spread white supremacist conspiracy theories, to say nothing of all his other misdeeds. It was clear from some that people, however tired they were of this story, couldn’t believe it took yet another surreal turn.
This timeline lads! https://t.co/GqrhQXgmuk
— Salty Cracker (@SaltyCracker9) September 15, 2021
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality https://t.co/uFeJFeJPwX
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) September 15, 2021
Some tried to explain to Minaj that you don’t want Tucker Carlson to agree with you (to say nothing of agreeing with him).
If Tucker Carlson is backing you you’re doing something wrong https://t.co/N3QbWgBTOR
— Wave (@wavetama_) September 15, 2021
And why don’t you want Tucker Carlson agreeing with you? Because, people said, he sometimes parrots white nationalist talking points.
Siding with a white nationalist isn’t the flex you think it is https://t.co/fuTa9Kd5CS
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) September 15, 2021
you know he’s a white nationalist right?
— hasanabi (@hasanthehun) September 15, 2021
When you’re wrong, supporting a white nationalist’s skewed view of the world isn’t going to make you more correct, though it does make one stupidly “right.” https://t.co/mnGlHD7qwK
— Grant Stern is fully vaccinated (@grantstern) September 15, 2021
When white supremacy agrees with you, you probably need to reevaluate what it is you’re saying https://t.co/s3D3G9vzdP
— PBD (@NBAYOUNGDREW) September 15, 2021
Just… if you have a choice between taking the vaccine or aligning with white supremacists, PLEASE CHOOSE THE MEDICINE.
And do you own research into the Clap. https://t.co/yAGonVrzP3
— Elie Mystal (@ElieNYC) September 15, 2021
Minaj has remained very online during much of the vaccine/balls/Tucker controversy, and she actually wound up replying to one detractor. “Ppl aren’t human any more,” she wrote back, claiming that these days you’re not supposed to listen to certain political parties.
Didn’t expect Nicki Minaj to respond to someone pointing out Tucker Carlson was a white nationalist with “we are all humans beyond this politics stuff” https://t.co/53JzYSFTkc
— Edward Ongweso Jr (@bigblackjacobin) September 15, 2021
To which people pointed out that “white nationalist” is not a political party.
He said White Nationalist, that’s not a political party oml Nicki
— .Lost&Scared (@lost_scared) September 15, 2021
You know white nationalism isn’t a political party, tho? The issue isn’t that tucker is a republican. The issue is he’s a white nationalist.
— Brett “Unions 2021” Banditelli (@banditelli) September 15, 2021
Kanye fans could relate to fans of a popular rapper watching as they embrace white nationalist talking points.
me, a kanye fan, watching nicki fans in turmoil over their fave embracing white nationalist talking points and misinformation pic.twitter.com/YbPZjqgxiF
— courtland (@__courtland) September 15, 2021
Others pointed out that maybe it’s time to log off.
If your tweets make “chlamydia” trend nationally one day and “white nationalist” trend the very next day, you might want to take a break from twitter… pic.twitter.com/CfPqPBsWMX
— Francesco Francavilla (@f_francavilla) September 15, 2021
And others still felt bad for her PR team, who’ve had quite the week.
Her PR team rn https://t.co/OpEpaCr64b pic.twitter.com/zlS0xyzc6j
— LeWhi (@whi_bra) September 15, 2021
And it’s only Wednesday.