Outspoken Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) really should take a Twitter vacation because she can’t stop striking out. This week, she got buried in an avalanche of scorn after a particularly hysterical tweet about the U.S.-Mexico border situation. Without even taking a breather, she’s back, following last week’s disastrous toilet joke and declaration that it’s all God’s fault that she’s a sitting member of Congress. That follows her recent praise of the Taliban and botching of a John Adams quote because maybe she was thinking of beer? Who knows.
First, it’s worth noting that Boebert did not graduate high school and has spoken about passing the GED exam. There’s no shade here against anyone who has taken the GED, but it appears that Boebert memorized what she needed to know and promptly forgot it. She’s very much a Sarah Palin-lite-styled politician, often making incendiary statements that almost feel like parody. Boebert’s latest statement runs in line with how she threw a mask at a House staffer and raged against Nancy Pelosi’s “totalitarian” Covid mandates. The execution of the latest tweet, too, drew raised eyebrows.
“There are three branches in our government,” Boebert declared. “The CDC is not one of them.”
There are three branches in our government. The CDC is not one of them.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) September 19, 2021
Well, a lot of people soon stepped up to point out that the CDC is a part of the executive branch. They also challenged Boebert to name all three branches, including legislative and judicial, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Oh, honey. The CDC is part of the executive branch.
You okay?
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) September 19, 2021
Actually Bish, it’s part of the executive branch. pic.twitter.com/mQYLly4XfI
— Kate
(@ImSpeaking13) September 19, 2021
$1,000 to your campaign if you can name the three branches without using Google.
— RiDonculous (@Ridonculous4) September 19, 2021
Nobody ever claimed the CDC was a branch of government. The fact that you didn’t name the three branches is very telling however.
— Phobo Joel
#BLM AntiFa Resist (@JoelTCarter) September 19, 2021
You can’t name the three branches of government.
— Mayo (@MayoIsSpicyy) September 19, 2021
And your point is??? pic.twitter.com/d6lRNjKOit
— sureJan
(@CO_jan40) September 19, 2021
Very good, Lauren. Did you know that the CDC is also not a head of lettuce or a screwdriver. it’s definitely not a Tuba or a jar of pickles.
Mostly, the CDC is not something you understand.
Which makes it a lot like anything else under the sun.
— northierthanthou.com (@Brimshack) September 19, 2021
Oh good did you learn what the three branches are?
— andrea (@ehwhatdoiknow) September 19, 2021
Name those three branches of government Lauren??
— Seth
(@SethMcFarland87) September 19, 2021
She simply can’t help but own herself on a daily basis. Until next time!