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Former Dem Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Went On Fox News To Claim That Hillary Clinton Conspired With The Deep State To Take Her Down

Tulsi Gabbard—remember her?—seems to be a magnet for controversy. The former 2020 presidential candidate never had a shot in hell of becoming the Democratic party’s pick to run for the highest office in the land, and she blames that partly on Hillary Clinton. You may recall the war of words the two engaged in back in late 2019: After Clinton implied that Gabbard was “a Russian asset,” the presidential hopeful (and former congresswoman from Hawaii) called Hillary “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party.”

Good times.

On Tuesday, Gabbard popped back up—this time on Fox News—to reassert her claims that Clinton conspired with the Deep State to ensure there was no chance Gabbard would move forward as a legitimate presidential nominee. As Mediaite reports, Gabbard chatted with Pete Hegseth on Fox News Primetime on Tuesday night to take “something of a victory lap” after attorney Michael Sussmann was indicted for “not disclosing his ties to the Hillary Clinton campaign when he reported damaging information about former President Donald Trump to the FBI.”

For Gabbard, the indictment was just further proof of what she’s been claiming all along:

“It really points to the fact that we have a situation in our country where the powerful elite, people like Hillary Clinton and those around her—the deep state, the media—they’re all colluding to destroy outsiders who they deem as posing a threat to their power. So essentially, what they do is they create this dictatorship those who are outsiders, those who put country first, those who are not afraid to challenge the establishment, and those who don’t toe the line, they do all they can to silence, and censor, and eliminate these outsiders if they indeed pose a threat to their power.”

When asked about whether she thought her public image suffered due to Clinton’s claims, Gabbard answered with a definitive yes, then—in what wasn’t the best PR move—compared herself to Donald Trump. “This happened to me, it also happened to Donald Trump,” she said. “This is not about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about their concerted and collective effort working together to destroy and silence who challenge their power.”

Maybe… but comparing yourself to Trump isn’t really the best way to get fellow Democrats on your side.

You can watch the full interview above.

(Via Mediaite)