Rifle Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) can’t quit the Twitter. She recently got buried in an avalanche of scorn after a particularly hysterical tweet about the U.S.-Mexico border situation. This followed a disastrous toilet joke and basically blaming God for her place in Congress. No one will ever forget her praise of the Taliban, so what’s Boebert offering up in her latest head-scratcher of a tweet?
She’s, uh, referencing the Office Space boss and his “that would be great” non-catchphrase, and she’s doing so while sarcastically (?) suggesting that it’s dumb to expect everyone to take Tylenol to cure someone else’s headache. It’s a mind-numbingly ineffective attempt to rationalize her disagreement with how herd-immunity-by-vaccination can help keep everyone from getting sick from a virus.
I woke up with a headache this morning. I took some Tylenol. Now if everyone else could take some Tylenol too so mine would start working, that would be great. pic.twitter.com/LaaNHhaokn
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) September 27, 2021
Unfortunately, we must note that Boebert did not graduate high school and has spoken about passing the GED exam not too long before being elected to the House. She can’t be making GED earners too happy with her persistent misspellings, and people aren’t thrilled with her straw-man argument which makes zero sense because headaches aren’t communicable, and therefore, they’re not even comparable to Covid.
Trying to compare a headache that isn’t communicable to COVID-19 which has proven itself to be highly communicable is asinine at best. #resignBoebert
— VoiceofReason (@VOR_OfTheNewAge) September 27, 2021
This is known as a straw man argument. And a bad one.
— Politics Back Rub (@FaithRubPol) September 27, 2021
What the actual f**k is she on about? Is she comparing vaccination to TYLENOL? Eedjit. Just this morning…then deleted. pic.twitter.com/gimVcADad6
Theresa Martinez Flannery
(@yekdeli) September 27, 2021
Replace Tylenol with the Covid vaccine… and you might have a tweet worth retweeting.
— Luke (@JDLuckenbach) September 27, 2021
@laurenboebert seriously be honest for once in your life. Did you actually take your GED or did you pay someone to take it for you.
— remmy robertson (@remmy_robertson) September 27, 2021
Headaches are contagious and can mutate?
— Colton Hodgson (@cooltonhodgson) September 27, 2021
The science department at Trump University was severely underfunded.
— Twice-Impeached, One-Term Trumpy (parody) (@outofcontroljb) September 27, 2021
Tell me you’re not very bright without telling me you’re not very bright.
Education is not overrated, stay in school guys.
— Chidi® (@ChidiNwatu) September 27, 2021
Does Tylenol cure sedition? https://t.co/V2s0hrg4jx
— Kit Marlowe (@marloweKit) September 27, 2021
Go to https://t.co/tLPh2Mlmur to donate to Planned Parenthood. If you’d like to donate in honor of @repboebert, her address for the thank you card PP will send is:
Lauren Boebert
1609 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC, 20515-0603 pic.twitter.com/xMyASIDwM7— Ben McKee (@benamckee) September 27, 2021
@laurenboebert have you ever considered that you’re the problem.
— remmy robertson (@remmy_robertson) September 27, 2021
We pay you $174,000 a year?
— Rob (@Rob42021939) September 27, 2021
Also worth noting: in the 1980s, less than 10 deaths prompted a massive Tylenol recall by Johnson & Johnson, who later transformed the face of the over-the-counter packaging game. That could be a lesson for Boebert (but it likely won’t be).
Also. Funny you bring up Tylenol, the med that changed the entire packaging game when it comes to tamper-proof containers because only a HANDFUL of people died. Because, when people DIE, we make adjustments as a society to save lives.
— Joanna Fernandez Sullivan (@Joannafersulli) September 27, 2021