In the seemingly never-ending saga of Britney Spears’ conservatorship, her newly-appointed legal team seems to have found a way out. Although any number of the things Britney’s conservatorship team have done to her seem like grounds for dismissal to any sane bystander, conservatorship and probate lawyers have confirmed that this kind of abuse is common within this sector of the legal system. But Jamie Spears and his team seem to have gone over the line, legally speaking, when it came out via The New York Times‘ follow-up documentary, Controlling Britney Spears.
In this new doc, allegations that Jamie was secretly bugging Britney’s home and listening to her private conversations led her lawyer to demand Jamie be immediately removed from the conservatorship. According to a report from Deadline, the bugging accusation has also come to the attention of federal authorities, who “are indeed taking a look at the claims for a further possible criminal probe.”
California is a two party consent state for recording, so the audio surveillance alone is illegal on that grounds. The next hearing for Britney’s case will be this Wednesday, September 29th. Her lawyer has requested the immediate removal of Jamie Spears from the conservatorship, as well as termination of the oversight itself.