The temperature is dropping, the pumpkins are out, and the Halloween copaganda is here. It happens every year: a local ABC, CBS, ABC, or Fox affiliate reports on the dangers of drug-laced candy in your kid’s trick or treat bag. But “how many children have actually been seriously injured or died as a result? The answer – given the available data on the topic – seems to be not a single one,” according to Canada’s CBC News.
Joel Best, a University of Delaware sociology and criminal justice professor, has researched reports of Halloween candy tampering in the U.S. dating back to the 1950s. “I couldn’t find a single report of a child killed or seriously injured from a contaminated treat received during trick-or-treating,” he said. “This is a contemporary legend, and that’s all it is.”
Best identified about 200 confirmed cases of candy tampering in the U.S. and Canada since 1958.
“The attempts to systematically follow up on all reports concluded that the vast majority were hoaxes,” Best said.
There’s even a Wikipedia page for “poisoned candy myths.” But here we go again:
BEWARE: As Halloween gets closer, @BensalemPolice are warning parents to LOOK at your child’s candy before they eat it. They confiscated these snacks that look a lot like the real thing. All are laced with THC @6abc pic.twitter.com/u6GFBXt08g
— Jaclyn Lee (@JaclynLeeTV) September 28, 2021
“BEWARE: As Halloween gets closer, @BensalemPolice are warning parents to LOOK at your child’s candy before they eat it. They confiscated these snacks that look a lot like the real thing. All are laced with THC @6abc,” 6 ABC reporter Jaclyn Lee tweeted. Parents should look at candy given to their kids by strangers (good advice!), but to center the fake panic around drugs is Reefer Madness-level fearmongering. Because if there’s one thing drug dealers love, it’s giving away weed for free.
This particular scare tactic tweet did not have the desired effect, unless she meant to drive tourism to Bensalem, Pennsylvania, which is apparently loaded with free edibles. In that case, thank you for the public service.
Who the fuck gives away edibles and what’s their address again? https://t.co/41aFk3FylO
— D(ad)man (@LifeofaDman) September 28, 2021
every time a town’s police issues warnings like these it implies the town has so many expensive edibles that they just give them out. bensalem the stoner’s paradise https://t.co/VRgTL1KK06
— john (@mexicanwilddog) September 28, 2021
So, uh, is there a map of houses giving these out for free? So I can, you know, avoid it. https://t.co/ab5Zx7rScV
— Brett Favaro (@LetsFishSmarter) September 28, 2021
If any of you find a house giving away free drugs, do NOT call the police. Please instead DM me their address. Thanks! https://t.co/8na8avIL4w
— Ryan Loco (@RyanLoco) September 28, 2021
Rest assured, if you give my child THC-laced candies, his father will be extremely grateful. https://t.co/FsN9alIyhg
— Norm Charlatan (@normcharlatan) September 28, 2021
How are reporters in the year 2021 still parroting the ridiculous things claimed by police? https://t.co/yruGEh4p0Q
— Gabe Ortíz (@TUSK81) September 28, 2021
every year some local tv person falls for cop scare tactics and does a story about people giving kids free drugs lol https://t.co/TbKFCEBOwu
— jordan (@JordanUhl) September 28, 2021
No one is giving your unemployed, loser kids their expensive drugs for free. https://t.co/5DKRGR1aV6
— Mel (@thegates0fmel) September 28, 2021
No one is giving their fucking edibles to kids. This haul alone is at least $100. Stop this razor blade in the apples bullshit. https://t.co/9xOpFI4SXJ
— Annie Rose, Lesbian Vampire
(@girlsgutsgiallo) September 28, 2021
Can we please stop pretending this is a thing? No one is spending $75 to get a rando 6-year-old stoned. https://t.co/cPC9eI1XoI
— Danielle Alberti (@DanielleAlberti) September 28, 2021
People won’t even spring for full-size candy bars for trick-or-treaters, but sure Jaclyn: Halloween is a springboard to Reefer Madness, and dropping $25 edibles into kids’ pumpkin buckets is how the stoners bring about the Weedpocalypse.
— the apocalypse, but make it fashion.
(@ElleArmageddon) September 28, 2021
man if this were real you bet your ass i’d be out there in full cosplay pushing trick-or-treating kids aside to get the goods https://t.co/CuOtVyVb9N
— jalter
(@Leic1s) September 28, 2021
why would I waste hundreds of dollars worth of edibles on kids who probably haven’t even seen the animatrix https://t.co/3e6WTZM0nu
— Bris Angel (@Cryptoterra) September 28, 2021
Local news reporters when the cops send out the October 1 press release about weed candy https://t.co/jjMhqEyr3y pic.twitter.com/TWEPpXq64v
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) September 28, 2021
It’s not even October yet. There’s still plenty more of these to come.
(Via CBC)