Matthew Hughes, the man who broke into Eminem’s home last year after stalking him for nearly a year before that, was sentenced to five years probation and time served after pleading “no contest” to the charge of second-degree home invasion, according to the Associated Press. Hughes was originally charged with first-degree home invasion, malicious destruction of property, and assault of a jail employee.
Those charges were dismissed with his plea of “no contest,” which is treated as a guilty plea except in civil cases, meaning Eminem wouldn’t be able to use his plea in a potential lawsuit. It doesn’t seem like one would be forthcoming, however, as AP notes that Eminem was satisfied with the outcome. Hughes “said little at the hearing” and reportedly wasn’t completely coherent during his presentencing statement, according to his lawyer.
Eminem caught Hughes breaking into his house in Macomb County in the middle of the night last year when Hughes broke a kitchen window while security guards slept. The rapper discovered the intruder in his living room, where he told the 28-year-old to leave and called security, who held Hughes until police arrived. According to testimony, Hughes allegedly told Eminem he was in the house to kill him, but fortunately, didn’t follow through on the threat. It was later revealed that he’d tried to find Eminem’s home before, trying two properties previously owned by the rapper before finally finding the right place.