The world’s in a shambles. That’s an undeniable truth these days, and also consider this: It’s been over two years since we learned that Robert Pattinson was the seemingly unlikely choice to play the lead in Matt Reeves’ The Batman, and it’s been over one year since the first (intense) teaser trailer arrived. Someday (March 4, 2022), the movie will land in theaters for real, and that day is obviously not today (October 1, 2021), which happens to be the intended release day.
Naturally, there was bound to be some emotional realizations once people realized that this was to be a joyous day, when Robert Pattinson — master of reinvention and murderer of microwave ovens — could deliver his take on a young Bruce Wayne. We’ve been robbed of so much life over the past few years, so obviously, delayed movie dates don’t rank anywhere near a real tragedy, but still, people are upset. And they’re venting.
If y’all are ever in pain, remember that The Batman was supposed to drop today.
— younis (@younityyy) October 1, 2021
The Batman was meant to come out toda- pic.twitter.com/p8wHsSn5Ro
— Keeper
– No Time To Die (@VENGEANCE_1406) October 1, 2021
Didn’t need that painful reminder that the Batman was suppose to be released today pic.twitter.com/hGAPYYjTiJ
— sabrina
(@nightwaynes) October 1, 2021
all fun and games until I remember the batman was meant to release today october was supposed to be for batcat
— nina dick grayson haver (@B6TGIRLS) October 1, 2021
Crying, shaking, and spitting up as the reality sets in that if COVID didn’t happen I would be seeing The Batman in theaters tonight….nobody talk to me I’m in mourning
— Scarrett Stalker (@GWalker4509) October 1, 2021
was supposed to watch the batman today… october release date my beloved pic.twitter.com/revvopnc51
— a (@waynxs) October 1, 2021
And some people decided to deal with disappointment by making sh*t up for fun. Enter a flurry of tweets, which saw their authors pretend to have seen the movie and dole out “reactions.” Hey, it sounds like what Batman wouldn’t do on Harley Quinn (even though he totally would) is in the mix for these claimed scenarios, which include everything from “Batman does in fact go down” to “Red Hood shot Bane in the f*cking nuts.”
Just saw The Batman!
It was pretty good, definitely better than I was expecting.
The hour long sex scene between Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz on top of the batmobile overstayed it’s welcome a bit, though.
8/10 Batman does in fact go down pic.twitter.com/NPrlKIVUtX
— Nora ‘Symbiote Simp’ VA (@Nora_Synth) October 1, 2021
Just saw The Batman and it was everything I expected it to be!
Pattinson really embodied Batman, and even more so, delivered a compelling Bruce Wayne.
Zoë Kravitz IS Catwoman and the rest of the cast were nothing short of phenomenal.
Mad Hatter tease at the end was WOW!
10/10 pic.twitter.com/LRe3BT7dKs
— 𝕯iana. (@HailMother) October 1, 2021
Just watched the Batman and I can’t believe Red Hood shot Bane in the fucking nuts https://t.co/Er0XtXVgrB
— Spector (@ScarletSpector_) October 1, 2021
just came out from the cinema after watchin The Batman. very good movie
— v (@karazorlls) October 1, 2021
just got done watching the batman, honestly this movie was a 10/10 i dont wanna spoil anything but the actions scenes were amazing, the story was dark and gritty and the post credits scene bro OMG y’all just HAVE to watch this pic.twitter.com/HgFQLDn5Ps
— nat.
(@whoIeIottanat) October 1, 2021
Meanwhile, someone woke up and decided to choose real chaos.
Ben Affleck is still The Batman
— 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐧𝐲𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 (@Itssan17) October 1, 2021