Back in the summer of 2019, Noname launched her popular book club and more than two years later, the rapper has now opened a central location for the group. It took months of planning and construction, but now, the Radical Hood Library is open in Los Angeles. “We are so excited to finally open our Radical Hood Library!” a Twitter post from the Noname Book Club account read. “This is a black led organization that was created to service black/brown folks and the RSVP prioritization will reflect that. There will be music, free food, and more! Please bring a new or used book. See you there!!!”
We are so excited to finally open our Radical Hood Library! This is a black led organization that was created to service black/brown folks and the RSVP prioritization will reflect that
There will be music, free food, and more! Please bring a new or used book. See you there!!! pic.twitter.com/UYviQfSAww
— Noname Book Club (@NonameBooks) September 30, 2021
my favorite sections of the library…
Fuck The Police (abolitionist text)
Black Capitalism Won’t Save Us https://t.co/JfO4Brqwjl—
(@noname) October 3, 2021
more sections will be added as we grow. this just the beginning
(@noname) October 3, 2021
According to Noname herself, the library includes books from a wide array of categories. The readings are organized by prison writings, the global Black resistance, imperialism, revolution, a section for kids called the “young homies” books, and more. The rapper even revealed that her favorite sections are F*ck The Police (abolish text) and the Black Capitalism Won’t Save Us. “More sections will be added as we grow,” she tweeted. “This is just the beginning.”
even better, we a library so everything FREE
(@noname) October 3, 2021
Smino, who has often collaborated with Noname, celebrated the opening in a tweet writing, “NONAME JUST OPENED A BOOK STORE INNA HOOD.” In response, Noname wrote, “even better, we a library so everything FREE.”