One aspect of soccer that the FIFA games have been embracing more recently has been playing the game in places other than the state of the art pitches built for clubs. The world’s most popular sport didn’t reach that status through only playing in stadiums, it grew through people playing it on grass and concrete. It made sense for EA Sports to embrace that.
With FIFA 22 releasing to the world on October 1, it gave EA Sports an opportunity to continue reaching out to those communities. The Ground is an indoor soccer facility in Lower Manhattan. At The Ground, anyone can gather to play a game of pickup soccer. It’s also where EA Sports, in collaboration with artist Nina Chanel Abney, have painted a pitch that sits on the roof of the building. It’s colorful, references the recently-released FIFA 22, and is a sight to behold.
The World’s Game
The World’s City
A new home for football in NYC, made in collaboration with artist Nina Chanel Abney – @ninachanel. #FIFA22 #PoweredByFootball
: @trashhand pic.twitter.com/syIRSzE3ux

The collaboration didn’t end there. Abney also designed some special kits that can be used in Ultimate Team, which have a similar style to the pitch. There is also a special FIFA 22 cover designed by Abney for anyone that wants to bring a different kind of style to their physical game case.

Collaborations like this are always fun and it’s great to see EA Sports embracing them as frequently as they do.