South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham has a pretty cushy spot in Trumpworld, even after a disastrous coup attempt left the now-former president essentially marooned at Mar-a-Lago. Save for rallies and golfing, Trump isn’t doing much beyond issuing press releases he wishes were tweets.
While Trump seems to planning a 2024 presidential run, many others who have fallen out of favor with him are doing their best to cash in on their experiences. One of those is ex-press secretary Stephanie Grisham, who is publishing I’ll Take Your Questions Now, a tell-all book about her time with Trump that includes a number of shots at those in and around his orbit.
One anecdote that made waves on Monday was an excerpt about the South Carolina senator who became known as “Senator Freeloader” among those who saw him wine and dine at Mar-a-Lago. As Raw Story detailed, Grisham wrote about how Graham was famous for “lapping up” free stuff at Trump’s Florida resort.
“And Lindsey Graham? Well, it struck me he was using Trump to mop up the freebies like there was no tomorrow (seems that he still is),” she explains. “He would show up at Mar-a-Lago or Bedminster to play free rounds of golf, stuff his face with free food and hang out with Trump and his celebrity pals.”
At one point, according to Grisham, Graham actually kicked a Trump staffer out of a room so he could stay and continue to get free stuff at another Trump resort.
“Senator Freeloader was sitting at a table by the pool, a big grin on his face, lapping up the goodies he was getting like some potentate,” Grisham writes. “He said to me with a creepy little smile, ‘Isn’t this great? Man, this is the life.’”
Grisham called Graham’s behavior “almost schizophrenic” and said he would wildly swing from defending Trump’s actions to being a harsh critic. But it’s clear the word was out on his behavior.
You can read the full excerpt from the book below.
Grisham calls Sen. Lindsey Graham.. “Senator Freeloader.” pic.twitter.com/sUUlZ7uIIa
— Lynn Sweet (@lynnsweet) October 4, 2021
[via Raw Story]