The Trump camp can’t be enjoying the publicity rollout for Stephanie Grisham’s new book, I’ll Take Your Questions Now, which also happens to be the book that Stephen Colbert doesn’t want you to buy. That’s a fair point, but also: so many advance tidbits from this book have been previewed that, hey, we may have already heard the best parts of this book? We heard about how Melania Trump (who Stephanie worked for as chief-of-staff) enjoyed humiliating Trump in retaliation for the alleged Stormy Daniels affair. Wwe heard what Trump apparently said about those toadstool-penis claims, and then (and this is not all) there’s the vegan aversion that Trump claimed would protect his big brain.
Then there’s Grisham’s revelations about Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who she called “Senator Freelader” with a “creepy little smile” as revealed by Business Insider:
“Senator Freeloader was sitting at a table by the pool, a big grin on his face, lapping up the goodies he was getting like some potentate. He said to me, with a creepy little smile, ‘Isn’t this great? Man, this is the life’… It struck me that he was using Trump to mop up the freebies like there was no tomorrow (seems that he still is). He would show up at Mar-a-Lago or Bedminster to play free rounds of golf, stuff his face with free food, and hang out with Trump and his celebrity pal..”
How does Graham feel about this allegation? He spoke on-air with Newsmax’s Rob Schmitt, and Graham found all of this to be so funny. “Apparently she’s implying that the only reason I want to be around President Trump is because of the food.” More giggles poured fourth: “I’ll let you determine if that’s why I spend time with the president. Because I need my next meal.” He also added, “My appreciation for President Trump includes the food! But much beyond that.” A big “huh?” seems accurate.
huh? pic.twitter.com/WKkDrkJBno
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 6, 2021
So, “creepy little smile”? Check. Also, this could be a confirmation.
Thanks for confirming the story, Lindsey https://t.co/qh3ftO8qbu
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) October 6, 2021