After Mike Lindell‘s claim of election fraud in Idaho completely blew up in his face, which is becoming a recurring theme for the MyPillow CEO, state officials are planning to charge him for the cost of conducting a baseless audit.
While appearing on CNN on Thursday, Idado Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck didn’t mince words as he said “there’s absolutely no validity” to Lindell’s claim that votes were electronically hacked, causing them to be switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. However, the state was obligated to conduct an audit even though it knew Lindell’s claims were bogus, and election officials plan to make him reimburse the cost to taxpayers. Via Mediaite:
“You are chasing your tail because of the MyPillow guy,” [CNN anchor John] Berman remarked. “Should he pay for this at least?”
“Well, actually we will be totaling up the expenses that were incurred in the process and we will be sending him a bill,” Houck said.
The state of Idaho has not been shy about its contempt for Lindell after he falsely accused the state of election fraud. Last week, election officials revealed that Lindell claimed to have the IP addresses for counties that don’t even use electronic voting devices. Essentially, Lindell said he had the IP address for paper election counts, which is impossible. The move made Lindell the target of local election officials who blasted him for tarnishing the reputation of several counties.
“Smooth move, Mr. Lindell,” one wrote in a damning public statement.
(Via Mediaite)