In a new interview on the heavily anticipated Spider-Man: No Way Home, which appears to send Tom Holland‘s Spider-Man on a adventure through the multiverse thanks to some magic shenanigans with Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange, the Peter Parker actor revealed that filming the third installment in the Homecoming trilogy was an emotional experience for himself and cast mates Zendaya and Jacob Batalon. The three have been together since the first movie, and once they realized they were filming their last scene together for No Way Home, Holland described the moment as “heartbreaking, but also really exciting.”
As Holland explains, No Way Home was approached as the culmination of his work together with director Jon Watts, and they approached it like the final installment for this chapter of Peter’s life. Via Entertainment Weekly:
“We were all treating [No Way Home] as the end of a franchise, let’s say,” he adds. “I think if we were lucky enough to dive into these characters again, you’d be seeing a very different version. It would no longer be the Homecoming trilogy. We would give it some time and try to build something different and tonally change the films. Whether that happens or not, I don’t know. But we were definitely treating [No Way Home] like it was coming to an end, and it felt like it.”
While No Way Home may mark the end of this particular brand of adventures for Holland, there’s no way the actor is done as the MCU’s current Spider-Man. As part of the deal that brought an end to the dispute between Marvel and Sony, Holland is still under contract for one more MCU film. More recently, Venom: Let There Be Carnage director Andy Serkis revealed that a Venom/Spider-Man crossover is in the works. So it’s probably going to be a while until Holland hangs up his tights.
(Via Entertainment Weekly)