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Lorde And David Byrne Discuss How They Deal With Stage Fright

Lorde has been open about the fact that she’s more introverted than probably most musicians who have as many fans as she does. She’s also discussed her stage fright before, and now she’s done so again, this time with David Byrne in a new Rolling Stone feature.

The publication paired Lorde and Byrne up for a chat and Byrne asked how Lorde deals with stage fright. She responded, “I don’t have a good answer for that. It’s a real problem that I’m trying to get on top of. I try to write something down. I tape little notes to the stage for myself, so I would go over and be able to read something that me from the past is trying to tell me from the future. But it’s a real struggle.”

Byrne, also a natural introvert, spoke about the things he does before shows to get himself into the right zone, saying, “I don’t have much of a ritual, that kind of a thing. I keep myself busy. I make some ginger tea. I peel the ginger, slice it, put it into a thermos, put boiling water in with some lemon or whatever else, and that’ll keep me busy for a good 15, 20 minutes. Keep my mind a little bit away from what I’m about to do.”

Lorde replied, “I like that, that’s nice. I do a lot of puzzles on tour. I’m often applying a piece right when it’s time to go, which maybe doesn’t help the stage fright. That’s too much of a change of mood. I’m still looking for the puzzle at the first song.”

Check out the full interview here.