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A Documentary About Rudy Giuliani’s Still-Hilarious Four Seasons Total Landscaping Debacle Is Coming To MSNBC In November

Even today, nearly a year later, hearing the words “Four Seasons Total Landscaping” is enough to elicit hilarious laughter from even the most typically staid human being.

In the midst of all the chaos and calls for recounts following the 2020 presidential election, the sheer idiocy that led to Rudy Giuliani attempting to look like a serious man working for a serious client while holding a press conference next to a shop full of dildos with forever live in the memories of those who witnessed, as well as in LEGO form. And now, according to The Hill, Four Seasons Total Documentary—a documentary special detailing how the political f*ck-up of the century happened—will premiere on MSNBC exactly one year to the day this infamous moment went down.

You might be wondering: How the hell can someone make a whole film about this major embarrassment? Well, the film was directed by Christopher Stoudt, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker who just happened to know Four Seasons Total Landscaping’s sales director. “As it developed, it felt like this Holy Grail of a moment to be so close to, and I feel as though I won the lottery in terms of my access to it,” Stoudt said, according to The Hill.

“At face value, you could perceive it as being a challenge to bring it to the screen,” Stoudt continued. But his goal was to answer the question on everyone’s mind: How could such a massive blunder happen to the President of the United States, and wasn’t there any way to fix it? The director says he wanted to get “to the root of why it happened from the perspective of people that were there. So the goal was always to lean into the perspectives of the actual people that were experiencing it.”

The film, which is only 30 minutes long, will also delve into how the company itself was able to benefit from the epic snafu. That, to Stoudt, makes it a true “underdog story [about] a group of people in ridiculous circumstances, and who are fighting for their survival to try to get out of it.”

If that’s not enough to sell you, Stoudt also promises that “It’s the best film ever made about a landscaping company.” Sold!

Four Seasons Total Documentary is set to air on MSNBC on November 7, 2021 at 10 p.m.

(Via The Hill)