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Congress Names November Hip-Hop History Month

US Congress isn’t usually able to agree on much of anything but it looks like the legislative branch has found one thing that Democrats and Republicans won’t fight about: Hip-hop is universal. This November has been declared the inaugural Hip-Hop History Month thanks to a resolution (331) co-sponsored by New York Congressman Jamal Brown and California Congresswoman Maxine Waters. The language of the resolution was reviewed by the Universal Hip-Hop Museum Founder and President Rocky Bucano. UHHM is launching its “Know Ya Hop” campaign to commemorate the occasion.

In a statement from UHHM, Bucano explained his involvement, saying, “Back in July, I was asked by Congressman Jamaal Bowman to help review the language being used to create the Resolution designating August 11th as Hip-Hop Recognition Day and November as Hip-Hop History Month. Little did we know it would pass!”

Congressman Bowman also elaborated on his commitment to the resolution, recalling, “Hip Hop is my life. Hip-Hop saved my life. Hip-Hop gave me knowledge of self. Hip-Hop is who I am. The celebration of Hip-Hop history and the study of it is essential to our democracy, our innovation, our voice, and who we are as human beings. Hip Hop is an honest story of communities around the world and provides the opportunity to increase understanding and create a pathway forward for all of us.”