With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’ll be holiday gift shopping time before you know it. Every year, gift buyers are faced with the unique challenge of trying to figure out what they should be getting for their loved ones to show their love and affection. Luckily, we here at Uproxx got some of our favorite artists to help get the juices flowing with the Uproxx Holiday Gift Guide, letting the world in on the best gives they’ve ever given, received, or ones they wish they had thought of.
Next up is Reiley, a new Atlantic Records signee hailing from the Faroe Islands who has amassed a following of millions across social media platforms. To celebrate the signing, Reiley sat down to talk Harry Potter books, Bruno Mars, and more in the latest Uproxx Holiday Gift Guide.

What’s the album (not your own) that makes the best holiday gift, and why do you love it?
24K Magic by Bruno Mars is an amazing album that I love and hopefully whoever I give the album to will love it as much as I do.
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What’s a perfect gift for your significant other, and why?
Something personal, I always take note of little things they mention that they like so anything along those lines.
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What do you give to the musician in your life?
Probably something musical or a special notebook where they can write all their great ideas down in.
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Oh no, you have to buy a gift for a kid. What’s something you’d get for a child?
The Harry Potter books! I feel like it’s a right of passage for every kid to read.
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Mom and dad can be the hardest to shop for. What’s a great gift for the parental figure in your life?
I think it depends on the parents and what they like. For my dad I’d get him something techy, he loves gadgets and for my mom, she loves really personal gifts that come from the heart so anything along those lines for her.
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What’s the one merch item of yours that you think makes a great gift and why?
I haven’t got merchandise out just yet, but I do have a mascot called Puffy.
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Some of the best gifts are experiences. What’s an experience you think would make a great gift?
A trip to Santorini — I’ve always wanted to go!
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Reiley is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.