Charli XCX has rocked a skin-bearing look or two in her day. On her recently shared Crash album cover, for example, she’s wearing just a bikini, and on the art for 2019’s Charli, she’s completely nude save for some strategically placed CGI graphics. Recently, though, she took things to another level, albeit on accident: While presenting remotely for Australia’s ARIA Awards, Charli had a wardrobe malfunction. The moment didn’t make the actual broadcast, but a few days after the November 24 show, Charli went ahead and shared the full video anyway.
congrats !
— Charli (@charli_xcx) November 28, 2021
In the video, Charli presents the award for Best Pop Release, saying, “And the ARIA goes to The Kid Laroi and Justin Bieber for ‘Stay.’ Well done, congratulations.” All the while, one of her dress’ straps rests precariously close to the edge of her left shoulder. After saying her line, Charli waved goodbye, and after she brought her arm back down to rest, the aforementioned strap slid off her shoulder, revealing her entire breast (which was censored in the video Charli shared). After realizing what happened, Charli quickly covered up and shared a laugh with somebody else in the room off camera.
Check out the clip above.
Charli XCX is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.