Despite the fact that even his own dad apparently thinks he’s an idiot, Fox News just can’t quit Donald Trump Jr. As Vanity Fair reports, the ex-president’s adult son—whose only real accomplishment seems to be sharing a name with the former president—spent his holiday weekend railing against Americans who get vaccinated against a virus that has already killed more than 5.2 million people. Then seemed to recklessly suggest the very dumb, and very dangerous, notion that we should be rioting more.
“You don’t hear about what’s going on as it relates to the riots in Europe on a daily basis now against the vaccine mandates, because our media wants to block that out,” Jr. shouted to no one in particular—and falsely, no less. As Vanity Fair pointed out, these “protests have been extensively covered by, among others, The New York Times, ABC News, and The Washington Post.” Never one to let a little something like the truth get in the way, Don Jr. continued to rant:
“They’re going to make sure that you never hear about it because they don’t want you getting these kind of ideas that freedom may actually still exist in some parts of the world. Europe is pushing back and America’s sitting there like sheep like, ‘Oh this is great we’ll just go along with’ what these guys who have gotten nothing right in the last two years tell us. It’s absolute insanity.”
What is absolute insanity is that Jr. was either taking a very public potshot at his pops, or is really bad at math. Because Joe Biden has been president for just over 10 months… meaning that it was Don’s dear old dad who was in charge for more than half the time period he’s yelling about. Or, as Bess Levin wrote for VF:
“Does Junior realize that two years ago his father was president? Sadly, the jury is out there. Where the jury isn’t out is on the matter of the effectiveness of vaccine mandates, which are very much working, both in the U.S. and in Europe, and on the effectiveness of the vaccines when it comes to preventing seriousness illness and death; as of September, unvaccinated people were 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than their fully vaccinated counterparts.”
You can watch his dumb rant below.
Jr. seems upset that there aren’t riots against vaccine mandates in the US pic.twitter.com/dLPv1DcDLU
— Acyn (@Acyn) November 28, 2021
(Via Vanity Fair)