On Tuesday, CNN took the logical step after discovering one of their news hosts had abetted in a politician’s sketchy defense: They suspended him. Chris Cuomo, brother of disgraced former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, was put on indefinite leave from his weeknight show after a New York Times report made some shocking revelations. But Chris had more than a CNN show. He also has a podcast. And the day after, he used it to comment on the career blow.
As per The Daily Beast, Chris devoted a part of Wednesday’s episode of Let’s Get After It, his SiriusXM show, addressing the sizable, noisy elephant in the room.
“Quick note, the obvious,” Chris said. “I’ve been suspended from CNN. You know this already. It hurts to even say it, it’s embarrassing, but I understand it and I understand why some people feel the way they do about what I did. I’ve apologized in the past and I mean it. It’s the last thing I ever wanted to do, was compromise any of my colleagues and do anything but help.”
The NYT report, published Monday, contradicted statements Chris had said earlier in the year, namely that he had played a minimal role in his brother’s defense over multiple accusations of sexual misconduct. He even admitted to using his sources to dig up dirt on his brother’s accusers. After months of pushback, Andrew stepped down in August, to the shock of many.
The day after the report went live, CNN top brass said they were planning a “thorough review and consideration” of their employee’s actions. By the end of the day, he was on suspension. On his podcast, Chris tried to sound diplomatic.
“I know they have a process that they think is important and I respect that process,” Cuomo told his listeners, “so I’m not going to talk about this anymore than that.”
In the meantime, Chris can take solace that at least two people have his back: Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.
(Via The Daily Beast)