In his 54 years on this earth, crooner-and-sometime-actor Harry Connick Jr. has managed to remain pretty much controversy-free. The New Orleans native began playing a keyboard at the age of three and was performing for the public by age five. He has been happily married to former Victoria’s Secret model Jill Goodacre for nearly 30 years, and the couple has three children. Connick and his squeaky-clean image have made virtually no public missteps throughout his long career, but last night the celebrated singer—and one really awkward-looking bald cap—turned Connick into the most talked about part of NBC’s performance of Annie Live!… and not necessarily in a good way.
Connick, taking on the role of the Daddy Warbucks—a cranky, super-rich dude who begrudgingly provides a temporary home to one lucky little orphan girl, only to slowly be won over by her charms—stayed true to the image we have always known of the fictional industrialist, who is as bald as a coot. But unlike the late, great Albert Finney—who made the hairless thing work in the 1982 feature film adaptation of the long-running play—Connick looked, hmmm… how to put this lightly: downright ridiculous?
Predictably, the ill-fitting bald cap did not go unnoticed on social media.
Daily Beast’s Marlow Stern spoke for many viewers when he called described Connick in a bald cap as “nightmare fuel.”
harry connick jr. in a bald cap = nightmare fuel https://t.co/6mz27iVKOk #annielive
— Marlow Stern (@MarlowNYC) December 3, 2021
Fear was a popular response:
Me seeing Harry Connick Jr in a bald cap #AnnieLive pic.twitter.com/KM1BdfFVMc
— Allison the disney Diva
(@Daviesallison1A) December 3, 2021
Besides the fact that Harry Connick Jr’s bald cap will definitely give me nightmares, the clips of #AnnieLive that I’ve watched on YouTube look absolutely delightful!
— Sarah Anne Sillers (she/her) (@sasillers) December 3, 2021
Hysterical laughter was, too:
Yall this bald cap is sending me. I’m sorry. #AnnieLive pic.twitter.com/FwhADYoLpW
— wash yo hands and stay home (@starsandgoggles) December 3, 2021
Entertainment Weekly’s digital news director Jillian Sederholm wondered (rightly) why SNL can “put someone in a more convincing bald cap between sketches than this one #AnnieLive had all day to put on Harry Connick Jr. and still didn’t blend.”
Why can #SNL put someone in a more convincing bald cap between sketches than this one #AnnieLive had all day to put on Harry Connick Jr. and still didn’t blend pic.twitter.com/BVoZCsWKXY
— Jillian Sederholm (@JillianSed) December 3, 2021
One viewer proclaimed that Connick’s bald cap was the “real villain” of Annie!:
#AnnieLive #india
The Connick Jr bald cap is the true villain of Anniepic.twitter.com/rBA7007s4D
— goingvpn (@goingvpn_me) December 3, 2021
Another thought the producers should have just hired Jason Statham and called it a day (which would have made for a bold but interesting choice):
I asked my bald bf for his thoughts on infamously haired Harry Connick Jr wearing a bald cap to play Daddy Warbucks, and he said “my culture is not a costume. Let Jason Stratham play Daddy Warbucks” #AnnieLive
— Emmy Potter (@emmylanepotter) December 3, 2021
At one point, a seam on the cap appeared to tear—leaving many to worry about whether the plastic headpiece would last the night:
Was afraid Mr. Warbucks’ bald cap was gonna rip.
— S.J. (งツ)ว (@Sarena_Jackson) December 3, 2021
Another singled out the piece of plastic as its own character when congratulating the cast on a job well done:
I clearly enjoyed this! Shout out to everyone and @HarryConnickJR bald cap. #AnnieLive they did all the movies justice. And those kids were fantastic! pic.twitter.com/OArCti7KrS
— Angela LeFlore (@aonaleta) December 3, 2021
Even those who praised the production did so despite the unsettling headwear.
Wasn’t sure I was gonna like Connick Jr. as Warbucks, but his “NYC” has me SOLD!
Shame is bald cap ain’t doing him favors
I’ll always love Garbers Warbucks the most, (the 1998 version is my fave!) but I’m liking what I see, really great “Live” show so far!
#AnnieLive pic.twitter.com/kGcSWlyRwW
Haley G: The Holiday Princess
(@HaleyTheRadiant) December 3, 2021
Bald cap aside, there are few things I love as much as I love Harry Connick Jr.’s croony take on showtunes. Loving his Warbucks as much as I loved his Sid in “Pajama Game” and his Dr. Bruckner in “On a Clear Day”. #AnnieLive
— Mary Lane Haskell (@marylanehaskell) December 3, 2021