Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has been a regular target of Tucker Carlson and his fellow Fox News cronies in the months leading up to—and since—the 2020 presidential election. Back in December, Carlson talked about Hunter and his family’s “sleazy international business deals that undercut America’s core interests.” Which seemed strange, as just two month prior to that—just days ahead of the 2020 presidential election—Carlson said it was time for the media to lay off Hunter Biden. There were some mixed messages, to be sure, but if pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood is to be believed, Carlson and Hunter Biden have a friendly history.
As Mediaite reports, Wood shared a screen shot to his Telegram channel on Wednesday of what is supposedly a private conversation between Biden the Younger and the Fox News sh*t disturber, who he claims have a “buddy-buddy” relationship. From the text of the conversation—if it is indeed to be believed—it appears as if Hunter, who earned his BA from Georgetown University, wrote a letter of recommendation to the school for Carlson’s son Buckley.
Carlson starts the correspondence on November 12, 2014 with: “Hunter! I can’t thank you enough for writing that letter to Georgetown on Buckley’s behalf. So nice of you. I know it’ll help. Hope you’re great and we can all get dinner soon.”
Biden replies: “Hey buddy — I need Buckley’s CV if you have one handy. Thanks[.]”
To which Carlson says: “Of course. Getting on a plane now but I’ll ask Susie to send it right away. Thanks again. It’s really nice of you to do this.”
Recommendation letters? Friendly dinners? Surely this isn’t the same Tucker Carlson who had people cheering when, while shopping in a Montana fishing store, he was confronted by a total stranger who told him he was “the worst human being known to man.” As the correspondence has not been verified, that’s a question that has not yet been answered. But it might explain that 180 Carlson made just ahead of the 2020 election in telling people to back off Hunter Biden.
While Mediaite notes that the timeline would match up for when Buckley would have been applying to colleges, ultimately, he ended up at the University of Virginia.
(Via Mediaite)