With his social media accounts still on lockdown thanks to his spurring of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building, Donald Trump has taken to firing off tweet-size statements from his office in Mar-a-Lago. Judging by his latest missive, the former president should probably spring for a copy editor.
Over the weekend, Trump clearly had election fraud on the brain, as he often does, and decided to fire off a statement blasting anyone who doesn’t believe the election was stolen from him. However, despite his self-proclaimed very large brain, the former president used a double negative in his statement, which essentially targeted himself and anyone who is still parroting his Big Lie. Via Liz Harrington on Twitter:
Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!
Naturally, people on social media latched onto the hilarious grammatical error and went to town on Trump calling out all of MAGA-land.
you keep using that phrase, “doesn’t think there wasn’t.” I don’t think it means what you think it means
— Jeff Tiedrich (@itsJeffTiedrich) December 5, 2021
Thanks for confirming you and your followers are very stupid.
— Pé (@4everNeverTrump) December 5, 2021
The MAGA motto “We don’t need no education” pic.twitter.com/eyMaRo7sFt
— Democracy’s my jam (@bluegirlsrule1) December 5, 2021
He has all the best words.
— James Conklin (@JamesConklin10) December 5, 2021
The one time TFG actually tells the truth.
— D Villella
(@dvillella) December 5, 2021
Not That Guy (@DropMikeWilson) December 5, 2021
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) December 5, 2021
Liz, you’re doing great.
— Gary Legum (@GaryLegum) December 5, 2021
If Trump isn’t aware of the grammatical error yet, he’s guaranteed to be fuming once he does. Trump is especially sensitive about having his intelligence questioned, which happens a lot. He recently went so far as to ask Ohio Republicans to pull an ad against J.D. Vance even though the crux of the spot was to question Vance’s loyalty to Trump. However, by doing so, the ad showed Vance calling Trump an “idiot” in 2016, and the ex-president did not like that. Trump demanded that the ad be taken down because it might hurt his chances in 2024, should he run for president again.