The only thing better than a great Nintendo game? A cheeky and very unlicensed Nintendo game poking fun at 2021’s most… unusual casting choice.
Following the news that Parks and Recreation and Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt would be voicing none other than the number one video game mascot around, Mario, the internet had some pretty mixed reactions. However, no one’s reaction tops the game developers at Woe Industries, who actually created an entire browser game featuring several Chris Pratt voice lines inserted over top a classic Super Mario Bros. level (via Polygon). Oh, and the best part? It’s free and available to play right now.
The game, simply titled Chris Pratt is Super Mario, is a direct remake of Super Mario‘s first level, and plays identically to the Nintendo game with the added bonus of some fun dialogue pulled from some of Pratt’s previous performances interjected into it. Each command you insert while playing the game comes with a unique line of dialogue, with jumping causing the Pratt-voiced Mario to exclaim “jumping jacks!” and every death leading to a defeated sounding, “that’s super disappointing.”
For those interested in experiencing the game for yourself, you better move as quick as the little red man himself — Nintendo has a long history of removing any games using their assets or name regardless of it is is a fun, little parody. While it might not be an accurate depiction of what Pratt’s take on Mario will look and sound like, it sure is a fun one, and definitely has us even more curious how things will play out when the Super Mario Bros. movie hits theaters.