Right-wing anger bear/provocateur Ben Shapiro has been helping to engineer Gina Carano’s return to show biz, and elsewhere, his sister’s causing controversy. This revolves around Abby attempting to slut-shame Madonna, who’s been doing her outrageous thing since the 1980s. That’s nothing new, although recently, she did grow upset over being censored on Instagram over a nipped-out photo, but again, that’s business as usual for Madge. She cannot be shamed, although Abby Shapiro sure did try.
Shapiro refers to herself as “Classically Abby,” and as such, she decided to hold Nancy Reagan out as an example of this “Classic living” vibe. She tweeted photos of Madonna, age 63, and compared them to Reagan at 64. Naturally, she chose a wholesome looking photo of Nancy surrounded by family. “This is Madonna at 63. This is Nancy Reagan at 64,” Abby tweeted. “Trashy living vs. Classic living.”
This is Madonna at 63. This is Nancy Reagan at 64.
Trashy living vs. Classic living.
Which version of yourself do you want to be? pic.twitter.com/Gj5M0Gqr5w
— Classically Abby (@classicallyabby) December 9, 2021
Well, it sure sounds like Abby never read the Village Voice piece that quotes Nancy Reagan’s biographer, who wrote that (back in the day), Nancy Davis “was known to give the best blowjobs in town.” And there’s no shame in that game, truly, although it’s safe to guess that Abby, who was attempting to shame Madonna, would have never used Nancy Reagan as an example of sterling wholesomeness, had she known about those rumors.
Obviously, people were somewhat surprised by this turn of events, and that also caused “blowjob queen of Hollywood” to trend like crazy, at Abby’s expense.
Someone tweeting about Nancy Reagan being a paragon of morality and then getting quote-tweeted into oblivion about her being the blowjob queen of Hollywood is objectively the funniest thing to happen on this site in years. Good job everyone, let’s pack it in for the night
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) December 11, 2021
Ben Shapiro’s sister trying to pay Nancy Reagan a compliment and instead exposing thousands of people to the fact that she was the blow job queen of Hollywood is what this site was made for. pic.twitter.com/DUlxkxvGnL
— The Monkey Who Stole Christmas (@VitruvianMonkey) December 11, 2021
While you’re over here slut-shaming Madonna, did you Nancy Reagan was referred to as Hollywood’s blowjob queen during her time as an actress?
Even her biographer talks about it. pic.twitter.com/LaRywxJmww— MacGyver Official (@BonkyGood) December 10, 2021
The fact that ppl tried to slut shame Madonna and her stans gallantly rode into the annals of history to reveal Nancy Reagan fellated the entire MGM lot is so beautiful to me, as a feminist.
— Camilla Blackett (@camillard) December 11, 2021
i bet abby shapiro is absolutely FURIOUS that her attempt to slutshame madonna resulted in everyone turning around and talking about nancy reagan’s sex skills
— simone! (@parasocialyte) December 12, 2021
I was talking w Tarik the other day about how Nancy Reagan was a notorious blow job queen in Hollywood and he reacted with “how do you know this kind of stuff?” And I was like everyone knows? I’m so happy that it’s relevant knowledge rn
— Mrs. Krampus (@ComradeLuanne) December 11, 2021
Finding out that Nancy Reagan was the “blow job queen of Hollywood” specifically the MGM lot, is the best.
Finding out that this blew up because Ben Shapiro’s weirdo Handmaid’s Tale sister was trying to be a weirdo Handmaid’s Tale wife. That’s just chefs kiss
— Jerrod The Nihilist Mystic (@ANImaniac89) December 11, 2021
ok nancy reagan blowjob queen of hollywood was a bit of a chuckle, and nancy reagan throat goat was pretty funny, but nancy reagan THROATUS made coffee squirt out my nose
— dan (@dnbtt) December 13, 2021
Everything I’ve learned about Nancy Reagan in the last 24 hours has been against my will. pic.twitter.com/bggnODKyiX
— Jingle Bells Bitches (@CocoaMochaCrml) December 11, 2021
I didn’t want to know any of this about Nancy Reagan, but here we is pic.twitter.com/3zlW9d1YfX
— Liz Jenkins (@ej11lizzie) December 11, 2021
Not everyone was surprised! Twitter is wild, man.
I’ve been talking about Nancy Davis being the blowjob queen of hollywood for yearshttps://t.co/twwvsVMrIh
— Tinsel Tits Li’l
(@karengeier) December 11, 2021
Nancy Reagan was known as the blowjob queen of MGM studios. Have a great day.
— Tinsel Tits Li’l
(@karengeier) December 27, 2016