Taking place over the weekend of September 16-18 at the LA State Historic State Park, Primavera Sound LA is inviting some of today’s top pop and indie stars to take their stage. On Monday, the festival released the first 59 acts that are booked for 2022, which includes Arca, Chai, Cigarettes After Sex, Clairo, Darkside, Dry Cleaning, Faye Webster, Fontaines DC, James Blake, Kim Gordon, King Krule, Khruangbin, Low, Mitski, Paloma Mami, Pinkpantheress, Shygirl, Stereolab, Tierra Whack, Squid, Tim Hecker, and more.
Primavera Sound
Watch Primavera Sound LA’s announcement video and see the announced lineup above.
Pre-sale tickets for Primavera Sound LA start 12/10 at 10 am PDT starting at $399 for a 3-day pass. Remaining tickets will go on sale on 12/10 at 2 pm PDT. Get them here.
Some of the artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
With his social media accounts still on lockdown thanks to his spurring of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol building, Donald Trump has taken to firing off tweet-size statements from his office in Mar-a-Lago. Judging by his latest missive, the former president should probably spring for a copy editor.
Over the weekend, Trump clearly had election fraud on the brain, as he often does, and decided to fire off a statement blasting anyone who doesn’t believe the election was stolen from him. However, despite his self-proclaimed very large brain, the former president used a double negative in his statement, which essentially targeted himself and anyone who is still parroting his Big Lie. Via Liz Harrington on Twitter:
Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!
Naturally, people on social media latched onto the hilarious grammatical error and went to town on Trump calling out all of MAGA-land.
you keep using that phrase, “doesn’t think there wasn’t.” I don’t think it means what you think it means
If Trump isn’t aware of the grammatical error yet, he’s guaranteed to be fuming once he does. Trump is especially sensitive about having his intelligence questioned, which happens a lot. He recently went so far as to ask Ohio Republicans to pull an ad against J.D. Vance even though the crux of the spot was to question Vance’s loyalty to Trump. However, by doing so, the ad showed Vance calling Trump an “idiot” in 2016, and the ex-president did not like that. Trump demanded that the ad be taken down because it might hurt his chances in 2024, should he run for president again.
Lil Wayne was recently pardoned on gun charges earlier this year, but a new report from TMZ suggests he could be back in hot water after an altercation with his security guard. According to TMZ, one of Wayne’s security guards claims that a disagreement between the two men escalated into a physical altercation, during which Wayne allegedly pulled out a gun.
According to the guard, after the initial scuffle, which started when Wayne accused the guard of leaking photos to the media, Wayne told him to leave the house, but when he stopped to use the restroom first, Wayne pulled out an AR-15, prompting him to escape to the guardhouse outside and call the police. When the police arrived, Wayne had already vacated the premises. While police are investigating, TMZ’s sources say the guard showed no signs of a physical attack, while a source close to Wayne denies that the rapper even owns a gun (which would be a felony, as he is a convicted felon).
Wayne dodged major jail time earlier this year when he was pardoned by outgoing Oval Office resident Donald Trump. Wayne denied a quid pro quo arrangement being made in exchange for the pardon, but he did shout out Trump on his latest No Ceilings mixtape and endorse his 2020 Presidential campaign. Wayne had been charged with and later pled guilty to possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon after a 2019 arrest at the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport when his plane was searched and turned up a gold-plated handgun and the drugs cocaine, heroin, and MDMA.
The Succession Report Card is a weekly recap feature where we attempt to assign grades to the important people, things, and themes from each episode of ‘Succession.’ The grades are entirely subjective and the criteria for scoring will change from week to week and occasionally mid-week. Someone might get detention. It’ll probably be Roman.
When did you realize things were not going to end well for Kendall? Was it when he showed up with the saddest buzz cut you’ve ever seen, one he probably gave himself at like 3 a.m. during a post-cocaine comedown crisis? Was it when his mother basically banned him from her wedding because she considers her ex-husband more important, or when his father slapped down his cry for help and stormed out of dinner? Was it last week when he had a meltdown during his birthday party and realized he had no one in his life who really cared for or about him? Was it when every TV critic got this week’s screener and started tweeting stuff like “You HAVE to watch this week’s episode LIVE” like little kids with a secret they were trying not to spill but sort of spilling anyway? Was it when this profile of Jeremy Strong dropped yesterday and was littered with quotes and stories about how exhausting he sounds to work with? You had options, is my point.
The big question here, of course, is as follows: Dead or nah? I’ve been going back and forth since I watched the screener last week. My gut reaction was no, both because it would be such a massive twist in a show that — despite lots of things happening, always — tends to bring things back to the status quo and because I generally do not assume a character is dead until I see them in a casket or another character says “He’s dead” out loud, preferably straight into the camera.
But I’ve been wavering. Kendall has been a tragic figure from the jump, and he’s pretty much been operating separately from the family this season anyway, and there’s not much use for him if he’s not doing the legal battle or coming back into the fold, and that profile sure did not make it sound like his castmates will miss him a lot. So I don’t know.
In conclusion, Kendall Roy is a land of contrasts.
MUST IMPROVE: … breathing?
Real rollercoaster of a run for Roman these last few weeks. He had a little success at work, hopped on a speedboat to save the deal with Matsson, acted like a total dipshit about it all, then capped it all off by accidentally sending a dick pic to his father during a business meeting. And then, in the face of all that, he still managed to be the most reasonable person in the room by suggesting that they can’t fire Gerri just because he has been sexually harassing her.
Strange family.
MUST IMPROVE: Keeping body parts inside his pants
Here’s the thing about Shiv: Shiv sucks. It can be tempting to overlook that sometimes because all of her brothers are world-class trainwrecks and she can display little flashes of competence, but then she’ll do things like role-play with Tom by saying objectively true things — to her, at least — like “I don’t love you” and “You’re not good enough for me” and then use Roman’s texting calamity to kick off a power play that involves intimidating Gerri and just generally being a soulless ghoul about it all. It’s bad. Shiv is bad. Let’s not forget that the next time she does a semi-smart thing while the rest of the family lights itself on fire.
MUST IMPROVE: Like, everything
Let’s see…
More or less bullied one son into a semi-suicidal bender and then basically called him a junkie and a coward when the son came to him in a moment of weakness
Received a picture of another son’s penis by accident
Strongly implied he would be willing to poison his grandson if he felt threatened
It’s not great!
MUST IMPROVE: Parenting, generally
The fact of the matter is that Connor should have received an F by any objective standard on account of, like, just being a big old dope and thinking he could run for President without anyone snooping around about his former escort girlfriend and thinking he could fix it with a disastrous public marriage proposal that had about the same chance of success as his run for high office.
Huge bozo behavior through and through. And yet, compared to his siblings… not all that bad. We are grading on a curve here.
Agreed to go on a date with Greg based mostly on their shared annoyance with Kendall and then stood by at a fancy Italian wedding while he made the most awkward move you’ve ever seen on some sort of duchess or contessa. Her boss might be dead. She’ll probably have to put out a press release about it.
The only silver lining in it all is that she might finally be free of this stupid family.
MUST IMPROVE: Romantic decisions, career planning
Logan gets most of the credit for turning the children into little monsters who will happily kneecap each other if it means acquiring even the tiniest little advantage in the long-running power plays they’re engaged in with each other, but let’s not overlook this ice-hearted gem either. It all almost makes you feel bad for the kids. Almost.
Various Karls, Franks, and Karolinas
A big part of me wishes we’d had a split-screen of Karl and Frank’s faces as Logan looked down at his phone and shouted and stormed out mid-meeting and then started having little emergency meetings with his children in another room. I can’t decide if they would have been concerned or if they’re just so used to it all that they went ahead and rolled with it. Like, I feel like Frank just started doing a crossword puzzle and Karl stared ahead blankly the whole time.
I love them very much.
MUST IMPROVE: Leave them alone
Honestly, I’m kind of impressed at the audacity of attending the wedding of your boss/lover’s ex-wife with his current wife in the entourage and still appearing to act normal about it all. None of this will end well for Kerry. She should run while she still has a chance.
MUST IMPROVE: Not doing any of this, to whatever degree possible
I genuinely feel bad for Tom now. He’s just a big insecure little boy who married into the worst family alive and even Greg is making some little status-raising moves as Tom is flailing about. He should be happy. He’s probably avoiding jail. His wife kind of agreed to have the baby he’s been begging her to have, even if it’s a spite-based plan based on one disastrous conversation with her emotionally-bankrupt mother. He’s getting everything he’s been asking for. Kind of.
Hmm. As I’m typing this, I’m realizing what a low bar there is for characters on this show. I really said “he should be happy” and then my reasons were “not going to prison” and “wife who doesn’t respect or love him wants a baby to spit in her awful mother’s face.”
I have yet to figure out Gerri’s side of the Roman thing. I think I’ve narrowed it down to two possibilities:
She likes the power aspect of it, how her boss’s son is a sicko little puppy at her feet just peeing and pooping on the floor and being naughty and letting her feign outrage about it even though she loves the mess
She just enjoys having some young dude shower her with attention, even when it’s not healthy
Either way, it’s a weird situation that was bound to explode at some point and finally did. It’s always been a tough spot for Gerri because she’s more expendable to Logan than his own weird son, but now it’s, like, double tough. I hope she hits Shiv with a frying pan.
MUST IMPROVE: Decision-making
Stewy and Sandi
Okay, close your eyes. Not now. After this paragraph. But then close them. And picture Stewy’s entire face as he realizes both the GoJo deal and the whole company are now in a state of chaos because one of Logan’s children might be dead and another clicked the wrong button while trying to send a picture of his penis to the CEO during a meeting.
It’s a fun mental image.
MUST IMPROVE: Choosing dance partners
I paused this episode on a still frame of Willa’s face after Connor proposed and I started laughing out loud, like a quiet chuckle building to a full-on giggle. It’s not that I want to see bad things happen to her. I like Willa, mostly. It’s just… look at her face. She’s realizing so many things all at once. She has regrets.
Peter Onions
Peter Onions is…
A capitalist sleazebag who is destroying nursing homes
Probably marrying Caroline for her money
A big old doofus
And yet… I love him? This show does weird things to you, man. I should hate this chump with every fiber of my being and I would if you plopped him another show with more redeemable people on it. But here we are. Look at his pants!
MUST IMPROVE: Giving me existential crises
Iverson Roy
His grandpa was willing to poison him and his dad might be dead in that pool but Iverson Roy gets a B anyway because I feel like he needs a win. And it’s still deeply funny and perfect — and maybe says more about Kendall as a character than any line of dialogue or plot development ever could — that his first name is Iverson. He’s a sweet boy who has no chance.
MUST IMPROVE: Trusting the evil and/or stupid authority figures in his life
Lukas Matsson
Used goofy tweets to manipulate his stock price and corner Waystar Royco into a merger instead of a buyout. Lives in any number of scenic mansions around the world, all of which I imagine he hates for specific and petty reasons. Probably will find the Roman Texting Fiasco very, very funny, even if it ends up costing him money and/or time.
MUST IMPROVE: I feel like he should have a mustache for some reason
Weddings, generally
I love weddings. They’re a blast. I love the mingling and the corny DJs and the one uncle and/or aunt who has a couple of drinks more than they usually have and starts getting ambitious on the dance floor. And I’m a blast at weddings. I thrive in a reception hall. I’ve been asked to give a speech twice and I brought the house down both times. The only problem is that most of my friends and family members are married now and I haven’t been invited to a wedding in a few years. It’s honestly a problem.
MUST IMPROVE: Invite me to your wedding. I won’t be weird. I promise.
Anton Chekhov
Anton Chekhov was a Russian playwright who lived in the late 1800s. He is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers in history and an important figure in the history of theater, but is probably best known today for the storytelling rule commonly referred to as Chekhov’s Gun:
Remove everything that has no relevance to the story. If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it’s not going to be fired, it shouldn’t be hanging there.
I bring this up now because I shouted “CHEKHOV’S DICK PIC” at my screen when the Roman thing happened at the end of the episode. I’m sure he’s proud.
MUST IMPROVE: He died of tuberculosis at age 44 and his body was transported home in a refrigerated train car that carried oysters and a bunch of mourners accidentally joined the funeral parade of a military figure by mistake, so let’s go with “dying gracefully”
Cousin Greg
I was tempted to penalize him for trying to trade up from Comfry within moments of scoring that sweet little peck kiss, but then I saw his attempted wooing of the duchess and I couldn’t help myself. He’s a good boy. Misguided and awkward and a little evil way down in there, but still, a good boy.
MUST IMPROVE: Talking, walking, etc.
MUST IMPROVE: No notes. I love a fancy and/or floppy hat.
Jess Jordan
Jess Jordan has been absent for the last two episodes. This is the kind of thing that would usually be bad for a character on a popular television show, if only because it implies a lack of importance. Here, though, it provides hope. She managed to avoid Kendall’s disaster of a birthday party and the somehow bigger disaster of the wedding. She might be free of the whole thing if Kendall does indeed die in that pool. These could be huge developments for Jess Jordan.
You remember in Good Will Hunting when Ben Affleck gives that little speech about the best part of his day? I’ll just go ahead and blockquote it.
Every day, I come by your house and I pick you up. And we go out, we have a few drinks, and a few laughs, and it’s great. You know what the best part of my day is? It’s for about ten seconds when I pull up to the curb to when I get to your door. ‘Cause I think maybe I’ll get up there and I’ll knock on the door and you won’t be there. No goodbye, no “see ya later”, no nothin’. You just left. I don’t know much, but I know that.
That’s how I feel about Jess Jordan when she’s not in an episode
Over on the Trump Store, you can buy all sorts of crap for the meat-breathTaekwondo master in your life this holiday season. There’s Trump bears, Trump flasks, and Trump ice cube trays, except, oops, those are inexplicably out of stock. One item you can’t buy on the store, however, is Trump’s 2021 Christmas card that’s going viral on Twitter.
As seen here:
Some anti-Trump accounts are sharing a fake Trump Christmas card and explicitly insisting it’s real. pic.twitter.com/dMar3Yyv6b
That’s because it’s not real. The real one looks like this, but can you blame people for thinking the fake card is legit? The dreary background, the miserable expression while wearing a tuxedo, the tacky font, the kids and Melania appearing in ornaments (Community did it), the insistence that he still belongs in the White House — this is the sort of tastelessness we came to expect from Trump after four years as president, and the decades preceding his administration. Also, uh, take a look where Santa is placed:
I don’t usually post dick pics but wow this is Trump’s 2021 Christmas card?! Looking past the seditious dick in middle, notice his family featured on the tiny balls in the corner. “From the winter Whitehl House” pic.twitter.com/HEKHyxh7B8
Whoever designed Donald’s hideous, drab “I’m A Silly Dick Who Still Thinks He’s President!” Christmas card is obviously wickedly devious in their dislike for Trump. I admire that. pic.twitter.com/gmPD4BKB4n
Even on a Christmas card he can only scowl like Scrooge. (Btw, you’re not president and Mar a Lago is not the “Winter White House.”) pic.twitter.com/UYzUepn6TM
As pointed out by the BBC’s Shayan Sardarizadeh, “Plenty of blue tick accounts are currently spreading a fake ‘Donald Trump Christmas card’ (left), which is so obviously made up. The real one (right) is available to purchase on the former president’s website.” Each card costs $10, but Twitter is free. Stick with Twitter.
I’m sorry. Is this fucking real? Trump literally dressed as a dick on his Christmas card? Please oh please someone confirm this is real. Make my fucking day! https://t.co/ZhhdDX28Qv
Taylor Swift may be nominated for Album Of The Year at the 2022 Grammys thanks to her album Evermore, but she’s now no longer named in the category for Olivia Rodrigo’s Sour. A few weeks after the 2022 Grammy nominations were announced, the Recording Academy has now removed Swift, Jack Antonoff, and St. Vincent’s names from Rodrigo’s nomination.
Swift, Antonoff, and St. Vincent were all credited songwriters on Sour, despite not actually ever taking part in the writing process. Rodrigo credited them because she interpolated Swift’s song “Cruel Summer,” a song which appeared on the album Lover, while writing her second single “Deja Vu.” But because the three musicians didn’t directly have a hand in making the album, the Recording Academy has opted to remove them from the Sour nomination, per a statement given to Billboard:
“During the submission process, the Academy received credits from the label for the track ‘deju vu.’ Last week, we received the correct credits from the label that recognize Annie Clark, Jack Antonoff and Taylor Swift as songwriters of an interpolation on the track, ‘deja vu.’ In keeping with current Grammy guidelines, as songwriters of an interpolated track, Clark, Antonoff and Swift are not nominees in the album of the year category for Sour. Antonoff and Swift are nominated in the category for Swift’s album, evermore.”
See the full list of 2022 Grammy nominations here.
Back in February, a hellish ice storm devastated Texas, and Ted Cruz briefly stopped sh*tposting long enough to hop on an airplane and flee to sunny Cancun while his dog, Snowflake, stayed at home, looking sad and staring out the window. He couldn’t possibly have provided a worse look, and now that the Lone Star State is staring down another winter (with extreme weather becoming a more frequent occurrence everywhere), people would like to know what Texas — which operates on ERCOT’s grid, separated from the rest of the U.S. – intends to do about the situation.
Well, Ted Cruz wants everyone to know that he’s on the case. After Gov. Greg Abbott inaccurately blamed wind turbines for the frigid blackout, Ted talks about wind power and more in an episode of his Verdict podcast-thing. He tweeted out a clip from this episode while posing this question: “What are my ideas for an alternative option for the power grid?” It’s… something, and it involves Bitcoin miners.
What are my ideas for an alternative option for the power grid?
CNBC fills in some blanks (whew), and Ted’s point is a bit muddy in the above clip. Essentially, this has to do with Bitcoin consuming a lot of energy in the first place, and at an October event, Ted claimed that this doesn’t have to be the case. Rather, “The perspective I’m suggesting is very much the reverse, which is as a way to strengthen our energy infrastructure.” How so? By making a Bitcoin miners into buyer into the electricity market, which means that they’ll have a vested interest in powering off and saving electricity when a crisis looms during peak demand:
Crypto enthusiasts believe the fix to this problem is actually to add another electricity consumer into the mix — a buyer who will take as much power as they’re given, whatever the time of day, and are just as willing to power down with a few seconds’ notice. These flexible buyers are bitcoin miners.
“If you have a moment where you have a power shortage or a power crisis, whether it’s a freeze or some other natural disaster where power generation capacity goes down, that creates the capacity to instantaneously shift that energy to put it back on the grid,” Cruz said of the ability of bitcoin miners to shut down their operations within seconds.
Yet CNBC also talked to an advanced grid services expert, Ben Hertz-Shargel, who points out that, for sure, bitcoin miners are definitely “a strain on the grid, not a help” because they increase the overall load on a system that needs fixing (and needs to increase overall capacity, no matter what). The full CNBC article goes deep on the subject, and ERCOT appears to be keen to explore the Bitcoin mining proposal. It’s actually a very complicated and confusing subject, and when it comes to Ted’s involvement, one can’t help but wonder if he’s simply trying to make everyone forget about Cancun. Not gonna happen.
That investigation meant the Blazers were able to fire Olshey for cause with two years left on his deal, but the timing still seemed odd that the organization allowed him to oversee what was a critical offseason for the team. Damian Lillard had made his frustrations with the Blazers known after their latest first round exit from the playoffs, wanting roster upgrades that Olshey insisted weren’t needed. Instead, Terry Stotts was fired and Olshey hired Chauncey Billups to be the team’s next head coach, believing their defensive woes would be solved by a coaching change rather than a major roster shakeup.
The results through a quarter of the season have proven that belief incorrect, as Portland is the NBA’s worst defensive team. With Olshey now out, it’s fair to wonder if the Blazers will take Lillard’s frustrations and request for roster changes a bit more seriously. According to The Athletic’s Sam Amick and Shams Charania, Lillard still wants Portland to make a splash move, with a reported desire to play alongside Sixers disgruntled guard Ben Simmons.
Lillard intends to give the Trail Blazers organization time to find its next leader of basketball operations. But beyond the front office component, the face of the franchise still wants significant changes to the roster. Multiple sources have told The Athletic that Lillard would like to play with Philadelphia 76ers three-time All-Star Ben Simmons. The Trail Blazers’ league-worst defense would instantly improve, and sharing a backcourt with a non-shooter could work given Lillard’s high-volume usage.
The Blazers have long been a popular landing spot for fans trying to project a Simmons trade, as CJ McCollum seems like the type of guard that the Sixers could very much use. However, Philly has been insistent that they’d rather trade Simmons for Lillard, rather than sending him to go play with Dame, which has been a non-starter for Portland. The report indicates the Sixers have asked for multiple picks and swaps if McCollum is the centerpiece of a Simmons trade, which the Blazers have rejected.
But with Simmons still not playing and both the Blazers and Sixers treading water around .500, it certainly would make sense for the two sides to pick up the phone and re-engage in talks. The trade that makes the most sense for both sides rarely happens in the NBA, but this has been a popular framework for a long time and at this point it makes sense for both teams to at least consider doing what’s needed to get it done.
Last week, Haim shared their cover of Adam Sandler’s “The Chanukah Song,” which included updated references to people like Doja Cat and Aaron and Bryce Dessner. A footnote from that story, though, was that the sisters not-so-subtly teased a tour. Indeed, fans didn’t have to wait for long to see that come to fruition, as this morning, Haim announced that they’re going on tour in 2022.
The shared the news with a comedic video set to the Lizzie McGuire Movie classic “What Dreams Are Made Of.” As for the tour itself (dubbed “The One More Haim Tour”), it goes down in North America between April and June and will feature support from Faye Webster, Waxahatchee, Sasami, Princess Nokia, and Buzzy Lee.
Check out the full list of tour dates below.
04/24/2022 — Las Vegas, NV @ Cosmopolitan Hotel ~
04/25/2022 — Phoenix, AZ @ Arizona Federal Theatre ~
04/27/2022 — Berkeley, CA @ The Greek Theatre #
05/01/2022 — Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl #
05/04/2022 — Austin, TX @ Moody Amphitheater at Waterloo Greenway +
05/05/2022 — Irving, TX @ The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory +
05/06/2022 — Houston, TX @ 713 Music Hall +
05/08/2022 — Jacksonville, FL @ Dally’s Place +
05/09/2022 — Miami, FL @ FPL Solar Amphitheater at Bayfront Park +
05/11/2022 — Atlanta, GA @ Ameris Bank Amphitheater +
05/13/2022 — Washington, DC @ The Anthem +
05/17/2022 — New York, NY @ Madison Square Garden $
05/19/2022 — Cincinnati, OH @ Andrew J Brady ICON Music Center +
05/20/2022 — Nashville, TN @ Ascend Amphitheater +
05/22/2022 — Wilmington, NC @ Live Oak Bank Pavilion at Riverfront Park ^
05/24/2022 — Toronto, ON @ RBC Echo Beach ^
05/25/2022 — Detroit, MI @ Meadow Brook Amphitheatre ^
05/28/2022 — Philadelphia, PA @ TD Pavilion at the Mann ^
05/31/2022 — Milwaukee, WI @ BMO Harris Pavilion ^
06/01/2022 — Indianapolis, IN @ TCU Amphitheater at White River State Park ^
06/03/2022 — Chicago, IL @ Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island ^
06/04/2022 — Kansas City, MO @ Starlight Theatre ^
06/06/2022 — Minneapolis, MN @ The Armory ^
06/10/2022 — Vancouver, BC @ Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre ^
06/11/2022 — Portland, OR @ Theater of the Clouds at Moda Center ^
06/13/2022 — Seattle, WA @ WAMU Theater ^
06/14/2022 — Bend, OR @ Hayden Homes Amphitheater ^
~ with Buzzy Lee
+ with Faye Webster
^ with Sasami
# with Waxahatchee and Buzzy Lee
$ with Princess Nokia and Faye Webster
Who would have thought Lil Uzi Vert was such a romantic? The “XO Tour Llif3” rapper has been dating City Girls rapper JT for some time, and TMZ reports that for JT’s birthday, Uzi rented out Nickelodeon Studios Park at the American Dream Mall in New Jersey. The couple and around 20 of their friends reportedly spent the day enjoying rides — the theme park includes a roller coaster and more. — with Uzi also giving his girlfriend a brand new McLaren. While the car was the more expensive gift, at around $300,000, the theme park trip wasn’t cheap — according to TMZ, it’s $50,000 to rent it out after hours.
Uzi is no stranger to making big splurges, though. Earlier this year, the Philadelphia rapper caused a stir (and became the subject of a thousand Avengers memes) when he purchased a huge pink diamond (allegedly worth $24 million) and got it embedded in the middle of his forehead. Unfortunately, the piercing wasn’t the most secure one in the world; it was apparently pulled out by fans at Rolling Loud Miami when Uzi jumped into the crowd. He said he still had possession of the diamond, so it wasn’t a total loss.
Lil Uzi fans have been impatiently awaiting his new project, The Pink Tape, the follow-up to 2020’s Eternal Atake, but it looks like they’ll have to hang on for a little longer as he delayed the tape past its original release date to make sure “it won’t suck.”
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