Donald Trump already made his incredibly angry thoughts known about how President Joe Biden marked the one-year anniversary of the January 6 attack with a fiery speech. In this address, Biden accurately stated that an insurrectionist siege (in which MAGA diehards rioted because they wanted the Senate to refuse to certify Biden’s 2020 election win) on the U.S. Capitol included violent attacks on cops and people “literally defecating in the hallways,” arguably at the behest of “a defeated former president.”
Multiple far-right congresspeople marked January 6 by insisting that they are “ashamed of nothing” regarding the siege, and Lindsey Graham is apparently hopping on a nearby train. In a whiny tweet, Graham complained that Biden was committing a “brazen politicization of January 6.” He added, “I wonder if the Taliban who now rule Afghanistan with al-Qaeda elements present, contrary to President Biden’s beliefs, are allowing this speech to be carried?”
What brazen politicization of January 6 by President Biden.
I wonder if the Taliban who now rule Afghanistan with al-Qaeda elements present, contrary to President Biden’s beliefs, are allowing this speech to be carried?
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 6, 2022
Oh boy. Multiple deaths transpired as a result of the failed MAGA coup, which Trump reportedly loved so much that he rewound the footage so that he could watch it twice. Yet Graham seems to be falling back into lockstep with Trump, who accused Democrats of “lies and polarizations.” And yes, that’s very strange, considering that Trump instructed his MAGA crowd to “fight like hell” during his “Stop the Steal” rally. As CNN is pointing out, “Words fail” to express how bizarre it is for Graham to suggest that the insurrection itself wasn’t political, and Jake Tapper hit the Twitter button to point out that Graham also reportedly asked the Georgia secretary of state to “try to throw away ballots.”
“Georgia secretary of state says Lindsey Graham implied he should try to throw away ballots”
November 17, 2020https://t.co/wzE2nsnfFS https://t.co/EhVbNMRY2s— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 6, 2022
On that same note, people can’t believe that Graham seems to believe that the far-right’s failed coup, which meant to overthrow democracy, somehow was not political.
So your party’s attempt to overthrow democracy was a non-partisan event? Once you were a Senator, grudgingly respected by your opponents. Now you are a Trump Whore. Flee the country.
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) January 6, 2022
This you? https://t.co/QLZPoH2xrM
— Irishrygirl (@irishrygirl) January 6, 2022
It took Lindsey Graham just a couple weeks to go from “humiliated and embarrassed” after the attack on the Capitol to flying down to Mar-a-Lago to golf and bear hug Donald Trump. #MrCountMeOut https://t.co/9mZXCdClSW
— Jaime Harrison, DNC Chair (@harrisonjaime) January 6, 2022
I’m pretty sure Jan. 6th was politicized the moment your political base attempted to siege the Capitol with an intent to kill the Vice President.
— Charlotte Clymer
(@cmclymer) January 6, 2022
Yeah, wouldn’t want the make the leader of the Republican Party inciting an insurrection on the US Capitol for the express purpose of anointing himself the winner of an election that he lost “politicized.”
— Brian Tyler Cohen (@briantylercohen) January 6, 2022
“It breaks my heart that my friend, a president of consequence, were to allow yesterday to happen, and it will be a major part of his presidency. It was a self-inflicted wound. It was going too far.” — @LindseyGrahamSC, 1-7-2021 https://t.co/xUcdf3Gk9N
— Eric Swalwell (@ericswalwell) January 6, 2022
What an embarrassment you’ve become, Lindsey Graham. If John McCain were still around he wouldn’t even recognize you.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) January 6, 2022
Finally, lookie here. Famed Trump MAGA fans want Graham to “stay away from President Trump.” They added, “Lindsey Graham is nothing but a snake in the grass!”
We wish Lindsey Graham would stay away from President Trump. Lindsey Graham is nothing but a snake in the grass!
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) January 5, 2022