Rootin’ tootin’ Rep. Lauren Boebert recently tweeted some gibberish and received an Internet earful for it. She previously confused John and Samuel Adams, too, but if you thought she would brush up on her U.S. history as a result, you were not correct. Boebert can’t help herself, as well, so she complained today after New York City’s watershed decision to let non-citizens vote.
Granted, this move only applies to local elections. No one who’s affected by this decision will be able to vote for the next U.S. president without first becoming a citizen. Still, Boebert railed against the measure with an inaccurate tweet to complain about Democrats.
“Democrats want 7,000,000,000 people to be able to elect the US President,” Boebert tweeted. “They want zero boundaries and zero rules. New York City has now even made it legal for non-citizens to vote in elections. No one except for living US citizens should be voting in US elections.”
Democrats want 7,000,000,000 people to be able to elect the US President.
They want zero boundaries and zero rules.
New York City has now even made it legal for non-citizens to vote in elections.
No one except for living US citizens should be voting in US elections.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) January 10, 2022
Naturally, people came for her because Boebert didn’t even read up on the measure’s specifics. She’s also disregarding the “no taxation without representation” phrase that surfaced in the American Revolution in response to the Stamp Act of 1765. Boebert’s also not paying attention to how working non-citizens of the U.S. do pay taxes where they live, so they should be able to vote on their representatives.
Boebert famously passed the GED exam in lieu of completing high school. This didn’t stop people from pouncing on her because, after all, she is a U.S. lawmaker. People are also wondering why she believes that Democrats want almost every person on the planet to vote, since she rattled off a number that’s close to the global population.
So the people who’ve been living here for 20 yrs, who are still waiting for our government to process them, who pay taxes, who do everything by the book…shouldn’t be allowed to vote in local elections? That’s taxation without representation. Maybe they should stop paying taxes?
— Kristopher (@Kristop_kills) January 10, 2022
If you work and pay taxes, you vote plain and simple
— Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz (@Culinary_Jeremy) January 10, 2022
Well seeing there are only 168 million Americans registered to vote and our population is 333,955,957 it’s obvious you do not know what you are talking about . And didn’t you say yesterday one person one vote ?
— Youngatheart (@sassylass22) January 10, 2022
Qbert shows her first lesson plan from her home schooling. Suggests nearly the whole planet is eligible to vote under the democratics. Can’t make this stuff up.
— Gary McDougall (@GMC_59) January 10, 2022
The world population is about 7.9 billion people. Does she know even know what billion is?
— Mazi Chidi (@ChidiNwatu) January 10, 2022
No Lauren. Democrats want a fair count of all legal votes in all states.
That’s all.
Fun fact: The world’s population is closer to 8,000,000,000.
I’m curious where the arbitrary 7,000,000,000 came from.— Jenny (@hormigita81) January 10, 2022
they’re not US elections. they’re local elections. like, if you pay taxes, you get to decide on a municipal proposition about funding libraries or sidewalk repairs.
— Nat M. Zorach, AICP (@nzorach) January 10, 2022
— Ron DuhSantis 🅟🅐🅡🅞🅓🅨 (@GovRonDuhSantis) January 10, 2022
There are other places besides NYC that allow non-citizens to vote, and they can only vote in local elections-they are prohibited from voting in federal elections, conveniently left that out I see
— JP (@JpJever) January 10, 2022
Well, at least these responses are not as messy as the goat-photo reactions, so there’s that.