(SPOILERS for Showtime’s Dexter revival will be found below.)
The Dexter: New Blood finale treaded new but very familiar ground. That is to say, we received a new generation’s answer to Dexter Morgan’s Dark Passenger, but the ending was not beloved by everyone. I felt torn on the outcome for multiple reasons, including how the finale felt rushed while throwing a season full of character development (on behalf of both the now-dead Dexter and Harrison) out the door. We also saw Batista surface to (sort-of) tie together the Bay Harbor Butcher aspect before evaporating, and yeah, let’s just say that the show tried to erase the lumberjack sins of yesteryear, and it worked up until the finale.
Still, I was thrilled to see TV’s most beloved serial killer resurface to show us what life has been like for a decade. This ending at least made more sense than the original, although I suspect that the outcome needs to “settle” and be reexamined at a later date. What matters at the moment is that Showtime’s announced that this revival (along with Yellowjackets) fueled a ton of Showtime signups. Furthermore, New Blood scored 3 million viewers on Sunday (while averaging 8 million weekly throughout the season) and became its most viewed-finale in eight years (bigger than Homeland and Shameless).
Also, Gary Levine appears to suggest that this really is the end of the line for Dexter:
“We’re thrilled by the overwhelming response from the millions of fans of DEXTER: NEW BLOOD these past 10 weeks,” said Gary Levine, President of Entertainment, Showtime Networks Inc. “Whether they loved the finale or couldn’t bear to see it end, we so appreciate their passion. Our deepest thanks to Michael, Clyde, Scott and Marcos for delivering a profoundly powerful conclusion to our beloved and extraordinary series.”
Granted, this arguably leaves the door open for some sort of Harrison-led spinoff down the line. He ended the series in the driver’s seat, both literally and figuratively, but until we hear further word, it sure sounds like Dexter will be left to Rot-In-Peace.
The ‘Dexter: New Blood’ season finale is currently streaming via Showtime.