Don Jr. typically dominates the headlines, but Eric Trump is getting absolutely roasted on social media after attempting to claim that New York Attorney General Letitia James is violating the U.S. Constitution with her investigation into the Trump family business. Eric made the claim on Hannity on Monday evening, which is an interesting venue given the recent tension between the Fox News host and the eldest Trump after the January 6 committee released text messages from Hannity saying Trump should pull back on his election fraud claims.
Eric Trump says Letitia James suing Trump violates the constitution pic.twitter.com/x6R9HAJmMF
— Acyn (@Acyn) January 11, 2022
Via Newsweek:
“She ran on the campaign promise of suing my father because she didn’t believe in his political party, because she didn’t like us, because the people of Washington, D.C. told her to do that. It violates the Constitution, it’s unethical, it’s wrong.”
Eric Trump went on to say the inquiry into his family is “third rate stuff” which he said you would expect to see in countries such as Russia and Venezuela, and said that New York prosecutors should be focusing on tackling violent crimes in the city.
Eric’s wild claims started immediately getting dunked on starting with author Michael Marshall Smith who tweeted, “I have pan-fried smarter things than Eric Trump and used them as a garnish on a side salad.”
I have pan-fried smarter things than Eric Trump and used them as a garnish on a side salad. https://t.co/Wpl7SKN1cf
— Michael Marshall Smith (@ememess) January 11, 2022
And the hits kept pouring in:
Son of Scam, the Sequel proudly demonstrates the power of a zero watt bulb. https://t.co/ht8cAsDaRi
Lawrence R. Gelber
(@GelberLaw) January 11, 2022
From the guy who stole money from a children’s cancer charity https://t.co/5NkLFiYDSL
— Emily Brandwin (@CIAspygirl) January 11, 2022
Hmmmm, Eric… I seem to remember a certain candidate, not too long ago, running for PRESIDENT OF THIS COUNTRY with a promise to jail his political opponent. I remember crowds chanting it. What was it they said again?
I guess THAT GUY also violated the constitution, right? https://t.co/yhr90VHrjp
— Liddle’ Savage (@littledeekay) January 11, 2022
It’s amazing Eric Trump could get that out with a mouth full of paste. https://t.co/9dEcuYmlfm
— Steve Marmel
(@Marmel) January 11, 2022
Oh Eric, you wouldn’t know what the Constitution says if someone spelled it out for you in magnetic letters on your fridge. #bequiet #thegerownupsaretalking https://t.co/Djk3nkr2ws
— Masked Momalas, MPH (@Juliet0612) January 11, 2022
Where in the Constitution does it say “and let scummy, dirtbag crime families skate.”?!? https://t.co/hBNXED1pNt
— The Masked Blue Texan (@ProgressiveTex) January 11, 2022
Eric Trump’s existence violates the Constitution https://t.co/39UDhxPDNZ
— born miserable (@bornmiserable) January 11, 2022
Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka have already been subpoenaed.
Eric Trump is whining because nobody wants to talk to him but Fox “News”.Who thinks Eric Trump deserves a subpoena?
— Words From My Father (@WrdsFrmMyFathr) January 11, 2022
Eric Trump wouldn’t recognize the constitution if it sat on his face. Which it won’t, because the constitution is just as repulsed by Eric Trump as everyone else. #EricTrump https://t.co/WrAbUBHWx1
— Derek Kontack (@DKontack) January 11, 2022
(Via Acyn on Twitter)