I’ll say this much about Mike Lindell: he puts his money where his mouth is. Of course, instead of doing something resourceful with his cash, like buying everyone in the world a set of pillows, he’s essentially flushing 100 dollar bills down the toilet (which is really hard, what with the water pressure these days) in his attempt to get Donald Trump back into the White House. Since Election Day, Lindell has spent an estimated $25 million on his fruitless cause, telling CNBC that “I will keep spending it because there is no tomorrow. We lose our country. We either only have two paths: either it gets changed before the 2022 election or we lose our country forever. I will spend every dime I have.”
He’s on his way:
Lindell says he’s bleeding cash at a rate of a million dollars a month to support a host of groups and right-wing activists. To add to the bill, the staunch Trump ally says he is shelling out $250,000 a month for a new election-conspiracy group, Cause of America. What makes this Lindell creation unique is that the group is fronted by two women who were in attendance at the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
“I am paying all the payroll for Cause of America,” Lindell told the Daily Beast. “Cause of America is our website. I wanted to form a go-to hub. It’s an information hub, and it’s a communication hub. Anyone who wants to reach our network can reach us at Cause of America. Think of it as a library of evidence and information.” It’s a regular Library of Alexandria, if the Library of Alexandria was a graphic design nightmare with a blurry photo of a pillow tycoon holding an American flag. Otherwise, exactly the same thing.
It’s not too late to buy everyone those pillows, Mike.
(Via the Daily Beast)