Steve Aoki’s really into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This trend is growing quite common among recognizable pop-culture names (Reese Witherspoon, Nas, Eminem, and Melania Trump among them), even as many people roll their eyes at the thought of people who dump too much money into something that doesn’t tangibly exist, but hey, if that’s where people wanna spend cash, so be it.
Aoki’s so into this game that he launched an NFT marketplace with comic book creator and legend Todd McFarlane, who’s offering up his own NFTs on the platform. To that end, Aoki decided to stop a recent DJ set to show off one of his own NFTs, which was a crudely drawn “doodle.” Then (to people who were there for the music) he even tweeted a clip (of this cringeworthy moment) with this caption: “Had to stop my show to celebrate my excitement on my doodle! Nfts make me feel like a kid again.”
Had to stop my show to celebrate my excitement on my doodle! Nfts make me feel like a kid again
@doodles pic.twitter.com/hJU0rE3EpT
— Steve Aoki (@steveaoki) January 12, 2022
Although Aoki proudly tweeted the video clip of him shoving his phone into the audience’s view, it’s clear that no one else in the room shared his excitement. In fact, no one really cared at all. It’s actually quite zen to see people not getting worked up about NFTs. Humans do enjoy experiences, after all, not imaginary things that people apparently put on sale for hundreds of thousands of hard-earned dollars.
As one might expect, Aoki’s getting roasted for this spectacle. People simply wanted to go outside and enjoy themselves after being pandemic-stuck-at-home for so long, and well, they probably should have stayed at home even longer. (Risking Omicron for an NFT solicitation doesn’t sound too fun.)
god this is cringe lmao, imagine going to a set and ur dj starts shilling NFT’s to you lmfao
— pk79.eth (@pk79z) January 12, 2022
Imagine waiting 2 years to leave the house and get social interaction just to get this guy shoving his phone in your face
— buchh50 (@buchh50) January 12, 2022
Yo I love NFTs, Doodles,and Aoki… but this a bad idea bro. These people paid money to watch you perform… this isn’t the way to onboard new users. This is how we scare em away by flexing thousand dollar Jpegs to them with zero context as to what we NFTs are or what were building
— Fungen.eth (@cryptofungen) January 12, 2022
the utter lack of enthusiasm from the crowd confirms how early we are…
— ConnorLoo.eth (@connor_loo) January 12, 2022
The people faces are “what the fuck is he talking about”. We are still early
— FrΞΞkyCrypto.eth/.sol /// (@FreekyCrypto) January 12, 2022
next time you can shill it in a bag
— Bibu: World’s 1st LED Pouch to Shill Your NFTs (@bibustudios) January 12, 2022
Crowd was like bro… no one can even see your phone screen
— brainpasta BORED PIPE MAXI
(@brain_pasta) January 12, 2022
Yes, this is probably going to be on a future South Park episode.
this like a south park episode
(@supermodi) January 12, 2022
How are you real?
— BILLAIN ╱ ANTIREAL (@Billain) January 12, 2022