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‘Inexcusable’: Laura Ingraham Is Being Dragged After She Literally Cheered While Reporting That Gen. Milley Has Covid

Fox News host (and enemy of Big Bird) Laura Ingraham, who privately freaked out over Jan. 6 but publicly downplayed it, gave Tucker Carlson a run for his controversial money on Monday night while reporting on Covid-19. Specifically, Ingraham discussed the Omicron variant, which is spreading faster than wildfire and evading vaccines as well. Well, the vaccinated aren’t feeling the virus hit too severely (for the most part), but that doesn’t change the fact that this is a novel virus (for which we don’t know the long-term effects) and something that no one should be happy about anyone else catching.

Ingraham (whose own brother recently described as “bonkers”) didn’t even bother to hide her excitement to hear that one of her self-declared enemies, the vaxxed and boosted Gen. Mark Milley, had tested positive for the virus. Ingraham previously declared that the military should be defunded in response to hearing Milley say that he wants to understand “white rage,” and she actually clapped about this Covid news.

“The triple vaxxed Joint Chief[s] chairman Mark Milley (our favorite, Mark Milley!) tested positive for Covid yesterday,” Ingraham merrily announced during her new “Positively Boosted” segment.

Ingraham was accompanied by Raymond Arroyo, with whom she recently shared a very awkward “scripted” bit about the Netflix show You. She was also apparently thrilled that General David Berger caught the virus while boosted. Via Mediaite, Ingraham then led into a promise to discuss “vaxx weirdos.”

Fortunately, CNN reports that Milley (who Trump appointed) is experiencing mild symptoms and is working from home during quarantine. Regardless, people on social media aren’t thrilled to see Ingraham’s “inexcusable” and “repugnant” happiness over his diagnosis.

As always, stay safe out there, everyone.

(Via Mediaite)