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Peter Doocy Says Biden Called To Tell Him ‘It’s Nothing Personal’ After Calling Him A ‘Stupid Son Of A Bitch’

On Monday, Joe Biden actually called Fox News reporter—and perpetual thorn in White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s sidePeter Doocy the thing most of us are thinking whenever the White House correspondent opens his mouth and says something: “Stupid son of a bitch.”

It was a hot mic that caught Biden’s decidedly unpresidential retort during a photo op following Biden’s Monday meeting with his Cabinet Secretaries. Doocy, never the most insightful of reporters, asked Biden “Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?,” to which the POTUS snarkily replied, under his breath: “That’s a great asset. More inflation. What a stupid son of a b*tch.”

While Doocy didn’t hear Biden’s response himself, it didn’t take long for others to alert him to the fact that he had been made a fool in the middle of the East Room. Still, as Doocy told his fellow Fox News colleague Sean Hannity on Monday night, Biden has indeed issued a mea culpa.

As Mediaite reports, Doocy—son of Fox & Friends loudmouth Steve Doocy—told Hannity that he got a call from the president within an hour of the incident and that the two had “cleared the air.” While Hannity was determined to know specifically whether the president actually apologized, Doocy tried to play it cool and let him know:

“He said, ‘It’s nothing personal, pal.’ And I told him I appreciated him reaching out. Hey, Sean, the world is on the brink of like World War III right now, with all the stuff going on. I appreciate that the president took a couple minutes out as evening as he was still at the desk to give me a call and clear the air.”

When Hannity replied that, “At least he called you ‘pal,’” Doocy assured Hannity that “You know what, I don’t need anybody to apologize to me. He can call me whatever he wants as long as it gets him talking.”

(Via Mediaite)